Doug Smith

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Winning the Battle with Addictive Screens

Speaker: Doug Smith Tech industry leaders and content creators are using intentionally addictive strategies on every screen to keep us watching and wanting more. And that’s just the respectable apps, shows, and video games. When you add pornography, gambling, or compulsive shopping to the mix, enabled by the super computer in every pocket, we can […]

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Screens & Kids: A Counter-Cultural Path

Speaker: Doug Smith All of their friends have a smartphone, so your child needs one too, right? Our culture has brainwashed us with this message, and the results are fairly devastating. Fortunately, we still have access to the “ancient paths, where the good way is” (Jeremiah 6:16). In this session, you’ll learn how to form […]

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Winning the Battle with Addictive Screens

Speaker: Doug Smith Tech industry leaders and content creators are using intentionally addictive strategies on every screen to keep us watching and wanting more. And that’s just the respectable apps, shows, and video games. When you add pornography, gambling, or compulsive shopping to the mix, enabled by the super computer in every pocket, we can […]

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Not Just Screen Time

Guidelines for technology and children. How do we use technology in an intentional way? How do parents allow their children to benefit from their positives but protect from the negative? Listen Now

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