Debra Bell

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Why Homeschooling Works

Testimonial from Debra Bell of how homeschooling does work. Hear her study and statistics of how  homeschool can positively effect your entire family! More families are homeschooling and more families are homeschooling through high school! Homeschooling is the most radical reformation in education in the past 50 years. Listen Now

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Standing Strong When I Am Weak

Is there really a benefit in teaching our children to learn independently? Come see how this one skill builds successful learners, decreases mommy-burn-out, and brings peace into your home once again. This is a practical workshop. You will leave with a vision for how to encourage independent learning in your home, as well as, several free printables to help manage your day.

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Parenting the Digital Generation: Timeless principles in the twenty-first century

Dennis teaches six easy-to-understand differences between the courtship approach and the dating approach to relationships to help any family apply the older ways in a modern era.

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Raising an Independent Learner

Do you want a lifelong learner who initiates studies on his own? Then let go of the wheel, and start giving your kids responsibility for their education. Deb Bell shares practical, inexpensive steps that will encourage children to pursue their own learning and help prevent parent burnout.

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Developing Motivation and Interest in Kids of All Ages

Creating the optimum environment in your home and family to learn and grow in knowledge. Realizing that the home and family is ideal for a child’s healthy brain development in order for our children to grow. Listen Now

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Homeschooling Teens

Debra Bell teaches this seminar from her varied perspectives as a mom who raised four teens, a long-time high-school-level teacher, and an evaluator of numerous high school homeschool programs. The high school years are your children’s résumé for the future. Here’s how to maximize their time, prepare them for a changing job market, find doors to open, and facilitate non-traditional learning experiences.

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