current events

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Round Rock, TX Audio Collection

Are your children prepared? Prayer and Persecution

Speaker: Katy Hardwick Smith Together we’ll discuss ways to strengthen our children’s faith through prayer and knowledge of the persecuted church through resources from Voice of the Martyrs. We’ll discuss how heroes of the faith can strengthen and equip our children. By understanding the current persecution crisis around the world, we can help set our […]

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Taboo or Teachable: Current Events to Conversations

Our parents just scowled at sex in the news, but we aim to prepare our kids. Let’s get comfortable talking to our sons and daughters about current events like the #MeToo movement and the sexual abuse of the U.S. Gymnastics Team. Let’s instruct them in godly principles. Discover how to coach your kids so they better protect themselves and stand up for others. This session helps parents approach difficult discussions with poise and purpose.

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Teach Your Child to Think

As mothers we long to protect our children from the ungodly philosophies sweeping our nation. Cynthia will explain current topsy-turvy thought patterns of today. Plus, she will give invaluable tools to prepare your child to discern truth from error. This very popular class includes cues for critical thinking in all areas of school and life.

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