Crystal Paine

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Slash Your Grocery Bill without Clipping Coupons

“Hardships often prepare ordinary people for an extraordinary destiny.” C.S. Lewis Hear amazing ways to save money without having to clip coupons. Learn how to create a grocery budget, shop smarter, and create a plan that works perfectly for your family! Listen Now

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One Hour Freezer Cooking

What does freezer cooking mean? A lot of times we think of all-day cooking, a messy kitchen, and exhaustion. This session addresses how to successfully freezer cook and wonderful tips to fresh and delicious meals! Listen Now

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Using Common Chores to Raise Uncommon Kids

Character, work ethic, and chores is part of a homeschool moms mantra. Realizing that importance of responsibility with chores. Creating a strong work ethic in your children. Listen Now

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“Teaching Your Children to Love the Ten Commandments”: Without Becoming Legalists!

What are we to “teach diligently” (Deut. 6:7)? The Ten Commandments (especially Deut. 5.) Dr. E. Calvin Beisner is the speaker in 23 video lectures on the Ten Commandments suitable for a home school semester or quarter. In this talk Dr. Beisner explains how to use that series and its study guide to lead your children to say, “Oh, how I love Your law!”(Psalm 119:97) without becoming prideful legalists! He shows how the law convicts us of sin, points us to Christ as Savior, and guides our conduct. He explains how it applies to every aspect of life: personal, familial, social, and political. The Ten Commandments once were widely honored in America, and that helped make our nation free, upright, and prosperous. Recent generations have turned from them, leading to tragic moral decay. If we are to have revival, the Ten Commandments will play a major role. Come and learn how God can use you to help spur such revival – beginning in your own home, and expanding from there!

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25 Ways to Significantly Cut Your Grocery Bill Without Clipping Coupons

Wonderful tips and tools for how to save money and to use coupons. Crystal Paine walks through real life scenarios and helpful tips of how to live our living frugal and watch God provide through financial faithfulness. Listen Now

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Say Goodbye to Survival Mode

Have you ever had those days that nothing goes right? Have you ever woken up feeling overwhelmed and that you are starting your day already behind? If we do not stay plugged into specific power sources, we are going to experience burnout. This session will encourage your heart and you will hear specific truths to […]

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Teaching Young Children to Love Doing Chores

Want to nurture a strong work ethic in your children and have them be excited about doing chores? Come hear Crystal Paine, popular blogger, homeschooling graduate, and homeschooling mom of three, share how her parents instilled a love of hard work in her from a young age and how she’s seeking to pass that onto her own children. This session is packed with practical, fun, and creative ideas.

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