Christie Sellers

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Teach Math to a Child with Learning Challenges

Teaching is not for the faint of heart. Mix in a child with learning challenges and you may end up becoming very discouraged, and possibly, ready to throw in the towel. Be encouraged, you are NOT alone. Whether your child has been diagnosed with a learning challenge or simply doesn’t “get”? math, come to this workshop to learn some teaching strategies and techniques. Help your child overcome those learning challenges and succeed in math.

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Let’s Play Math Games

Are you tired of flashcards? Does your child cry when you give another timed math fact test? Are you
beating your head against the wall because your child can’t seem to remember the multiples of 7? This workshop will show you fabulous and effective alternatives to worksheets and flashcards by playing easy and fun math card games. Imagine your kids asking to practice their math facts more! Come and discover games to help your child learn their math facts.

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