
The search will only search posts related to: chemistry. The content is sorted by most recent.

What’s the Matter? The Answer to High School Chemistry

At this workshop we will address the issues and concerns that parents have regarding homeschool high school chemistry. Questions like: “Will the chemistry course I decide on prepare my child for the rigor and structure of college chemistry? What should we do about lab experiments, chemicals and lab equipment? It’s been 25 years since I took chemistry, does anybody know a teacher that would be willing to help in teaching my child, even for one or two times a week? If I buy a chemistry teacher’s edition and a workbook with answers, will that be good enough?” This session will answer questions like these and many more!

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How many labs?!!!

Should I do all the labs or just some of them? How do I choose which of the labs to do? What is the best method to use when doing labs? How can I get all the supplies together for labs? Join Bill Harmon for some practical advice and a LIVE demonstration!

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