
The search will only search posts related to: Bible. The content is sorted by most recent.

Teaching Your Kids To B.L.E.S.S.

How do you practically teach your kids to bless one another? Rachael Carman teaches an easy-to-remember lesson with five specific ways that you and your kids can bless each other with words and actions.

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Theme-Based Learning in the Early Years

Lapbooking: a Beginner’s Guide

Lapbooking! It’s the current rage! Many children learn subject matter best using their hands. A Journey Through Learning has lapbooks for all subjects, including Bible, history, science, and preschool. They also have lapbooks that supplement many popular homeschooling programs, such as Jeannie Fulbright/Apologia Science, TruthQuest History, Geography Matters, Maestro Classics, A History of Us, and more. Nancy Fileccia, co-owner of A Journey Through Learning, shows you not only how to make a lapbook, but also how lapbooking can spark laughter and a hunger for learning in your schooling. She will also show how to use lapbooks with an assortment of top homeschooling programs. (This was originally presented as a vendor workshop, but the principles and ideas are helpful no matter how you get your lapbooks!)

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Joy in the Home: Marriage

Matrimony is hard, even for Christians.  Put two sinners under one roof, and you are bound to have fireworks.  How can a Christian couple love one another in such a way that fighting, heartache, and pain are minimized, while joy, laughter, and love are multiplied? The Bible has the answer.  If your marriage is strong, it can be more profound.  If your marriage is hurting, there is hope and healing.  This is not a “how to” marriage lecture; this a Gospel-centered application to the most important earthly relationship you have.  And it works.

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Teaching Biblical Worldview to Ages 6-14

Are you intimidated by the idea of teaching biblical worldview at home? What is a worldview, anyway, and why should you teach worldview as part of your curriculum? And what is the best method for teaching a biblical worldview to elementary and junior high children? Establishing a clear, biblical worldview and a strong foundation in basic Christian doctrine will inoculate your children against the false teachings and worldly values they will one day encounter during the critical teen years. This workshop will give you the confidence and tools you need to cover this vital subject with your children.

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Making Modern-day Missionaries

Too often we teach kids about God with no expectation that they can actually know Him, respond to His voice, or be used to spread His Good News.  This fun and interactive session will share with you insights and examples of how to get kids excited about serving the Lord!

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Building Mental Muscles: Strengthening Your Child’s Mind to Learn for God

Sally describes seven crucial mental “muscles” needed for learning that will give your child the mental strength to become a strong learner—habits, appetites, language, creativity, curiosity, reason, wisdom. As with Sally’s other sessions, this one is full of practical insights and personal anecdotes.

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Raising Children Who Love God and His Word

This workshop explains several key practices that will help you make the Bible attractive and relevant to your children. Here are simple, practical things you can do to raise up children who love God and His Word!

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Manners Matter and Mean Success

Don’t we as parents want to give our children the tools they need to succeed? Do we want our children to grow up to be great fathers, compassionate husbands, dedicated mothers, and giving wives? It doesn’t just happen.

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