Israel Wayne

Israel Wayne is a conference speaker and author of many books including: “Pitchin’ a Fit: Overcoming Angry & Stressed-Out Parenting,” “Education: Does God Have an Opinion?,” “Answers for Homeschooling,” and “Raising Them Up: Parenting for Christians.” He is the founder of FamilyRenewal.org. He is a homeschooled graduate and homeschooling father of eleven children.

Israel Wayne

Workshops from Israel Wayne (may vary by event location)

The Do’s and Don’ts of Teaching Your Children Theology

Most Christian parents want to teach their children theology and Bible doctrine but aren't sure how to go about it. Learn the difference between primary and secondary doctrines and how to help your children protect themselves against cults and false religions that would seek to woo them away from true Christian faith.
Apologetics, Bible, Bible/Scripture Memory, Biblical Worldview & Culture, Discipleship

Common Mistakes Christian Parents Make

Many well-intentioned parents make harmful mistakes as they relate to their children. These mistakes often contribute to bitterness in their children. Over time, they can result in children rejecting their parents and their values. Learn to avoid these pitfalls.
Bible, Discipleship

How to Keep Your Child in the Faith

Studies show that 70% of churched youth abandon the Christian faith sometime before high school graduation. While there are no guarantees in parenting, there are steps parents can take that have been proven through various studies to statistically improve the chances of your child embracing and remaining in the faith. Learn what actionable steps you can take to help strengthen your child against unbelief.
Apologetics, Bible, Biblical Worldview & Culture, Classical Education, Discipleship