
Play ‘n Talk Phonics, Spelling & Typing

Play ‘n Talk has been teaching students to read, spell, and type for 60+ years. Our proprietary system expertly teaches your student regardless of age or learning strengths. We excel in this area because we stimulate multiple learning modalities at once. Students achieve reading, spelling & typing success in just two 10-minute lessons per day. We give our students the tools to read college-level text and spell 11th/12th grade words in just two years (6-12 months for remedial students).

Products / Services

We have 4 and 5-year-old students who are reading at a 5th-grade level after only completing one year of our two-year program. Our program is also successful with families who have kiddos that struggle with learning challenges. Stop by and ask us why it works with all kiddos no matter what their primary learning style.