
Noble U (grades 8-12)

I began teaching Civics to high school homeschoolers in 2012 and since then I have had the honor of teaching over 1,400 students, most of them in-person, but an increasing number have joined me ONLINE. I have also joined The Tuttle Twins team for their online Tuttle Twins Academy which is designed to equip teenagers!

Today I teach four subjects via NOBLE U:

Civics, Christian Ethics, U.S. History, and World History.

Is it possible to TEACH the subject matter…DISCIPLE the students…BUILD a Christian Worldview…and CULTIVATE a Gospel Heart, all at the same time?


The four subjects I teach provide an incredible opportunity to raise up a new generation of young Christians who:

· Are conversant in the cultural moment.

· Can rightly discern and disseminate the truth.

· Will provide a winsome and effective Christian witness.

· In short, to be wise as serpents and gentle as doves (Mt. 10:16).

There is a lot a good curriculum out there for homeschoolers—we homeschooled our four children for 17 years—but most of it lacks one important ingredient: CURRENT CONTEXT! I hosted my own Christian talk radio show (and podcast) from 2007 to December of 2024, so I have been on the frontlines in terms of the news cycle for 17 years now…and I bring that into the classroom EVERY WEEK. I call it “teaching in real time,” and it brings the material ALIVE and makes it RELEVANT to my student’s everyday lives!

I teach all four courses in-person in Raleigh, NC, but I also offer them ONLINE. I won’t sell you some stale video that was made years ago. My online students (grades 8-12) get the class I just taught THAT WEEK, so it is always up to date with breaking news and the biggest stories of the day. I am a man on a mission and our children need a more dynamic experience in the classroom to be able to thrive in this age of confusion.

Products / Services

CIVICS (2-semesters)

Prepares your student for responsible citizenship with a discussion of the principles and mechanics of a constitutional republic. Material discussed includes the Constitution, in depth insights into the three branches of government, political parties, elections, foreign policy, and more, all from a biblical perspective. How it was designed to work vs. how it’s working (or not working) today. I always incorporate current events and breaking news…and there is plenty of that, as you know!

U.S. HISTORY (2-semesters)

Takes your student on a journey beginning in the 1400’s that leads to European contact with Native Americans and ends with the 2017 inauguration of Donald Trump. Along the journey, the course highlights major historical events that have shaped American history, and why they matter in our current cultural context (relevance). I begin the class with this truth: There is nothing new under the sun (Ecc. 1:9). America’s history is complicated and requires critical thinking to be able to discern the good, the bad, and the ugly.

WORLD HISTORY (2-semesters)

World History guides students through the story of history, starting with creation and continuing to the present. Students will analyze five key themes throughout history from a biblical perspective: justice, power, citizenship, environment, and world religions. They will also do specific studies on Africa, the East, Asia, pre-colonization Americas, and empires in Africa, India, and Asia. As they trace the major patterns in world history, they will see how those themes point more and more clearly to the triumph of the kingdom of God. Additionally, I make sure we identify the “building blocks” that led to the American Experiment so my students can understand the uniqueness of our

nation with respect to world history. This class will always incorporate the news of the day to show real-world application of the course material.


Leads your student on a deep dive into theology, a Christian worldview, and Christian ethical thinking. Once that foundation is built, we jump into the hot-button moral issues of the day: Abortion, Human Sexuality & Gender, Euthanasia, Environmentalism, Work and Vocation, Poverty, Human Cloning, Artificial Insemination and Designer Babies. This class is the deep end of the pool and for students who are ready to swim in it.