I began teaching Civics to high school homeschoolers in 2012 and since then I have had the honor of teaching over 1,400 students, most of them in-person, but an increasing number have joined me ONLINE. I have also joined The Tuttle Twins team for their online Tuttle Twins Academy which is designed to equip teenagers!
Today I teach four subjects via NOBLE U:
Civics, Christian Ethics, U.S. History, and World History.
Is it possible to TEACH the subject matter…DISCIPLE the students…BUILD a Christian Worldview…and CULTIVATE a Gospel Heart, all at the same time?
The four subjects I teach provide an incredible opportunity to raise up a new generation of young Christians who:
· Are conversant in the cultural moment.
· Can rightly discern and disseminate the truth.
· Will provide a winsome and effective Christian witness.
· In short, to be wise as serpents and gentle as doves (Mt. 10:16).
There is a lot a good curriculum out there for homeschoolers—we homeschooled our four children for 17 years—but most of it lacks one important ingredient: CURRENT CONTEXT! I hosted my own Christian talk radio show (and podcast) from 2007 to December of 2024, so I have been on the frontlines in terms of the news cycle for 17 years now…and I bring that into the classroom EVERY WEEK. I call it “teaching in real time,” and it brings the material ALIVE and makes it RELEVANT to my student’s everyday lives!
I teach all four courses in-person in Raleigh, NC, but I also offer them ONLINE. I won’t sell you some stale video that was made years ago. My online students (grades 8-12) get the class I just taught THAT WEEK, so it is always up to date with breaking news and the biggest stories of the day. I am a man on a mission and our children need a more dynamic experience in the classroom to be able to thrive in this age of confusion.