
Embedded Realities

S. NEIL VON FANGE is a retired system engineer, project leader, and developer from several fields in high technology. He graduated from Northwestern University with BS and MS degrees in mechanical engineering. He originally comes from Montclair, New Jersey and then Indianapolis, Indiana. He makes his home in southern Indiana, where he remediates long standing erosion on his property with gravel, rock, and the transplanting of much ground cover.

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AN AGENDA FOR TEENS comes from a career long effort to assemble the biblical books of Proverbs and Ecclesiastes into a meaningful tool. These books are not mere collections of moral sayings. They are Divinely inspired to provide an annotated checklist for the practical experiences and observations of God’s people.

Proverbs and Ecclesiastes provide a training agenda for young people; a method for the practice of Christian holiness; and a resource for parents to collaborate on behalf of their young people.