Want to be a part of Teach Them Diligently? We would love to have you!

Teach Them Diligently is committed to “Strengthening Families through Biblical Home Education,” and we strive to do that through offering strategic and excellent content year-round that will help grow our families through Biblical instruction and practical application within their homes and homeschools.

As we all know, Biblical Home Education has to do with much more than simply teaching the 3 Rs, and we want to join with you to provide our families a well-rounded view with actionable steps of how to succeed in their call to home education.

We believe that by participating with us in this endeavor, you will build great affinity and recognition with these families that will not only be evident onsite, but will also be clearly seen in interactions you can have with them throughout the year.

So, how can you contribute to this mission?

The following opportunities are only available to those who are active partners (advertisers, affiliates, exhibitors, speakers, and sponsors) with Teach Them Diligently. If you are a speaker or vendor who has not yet signed up for next season’s events, make sure you secure your space now to take full advantage of this program.

If you are an affiliate, make sure you are actively promoting Teach Them Diligently in order to be included in this program as well. We can all work together to maximize our reach and our opportunities for ministering to families as we all strengthen families through biblical home education!

Blog Post Submissions

The Teach Them Diligently Blog reaches thousands of families each week, and it will be supported heavily with a strategic social media campaign designed for each article and weekly wrap-ups delivered to our newsletter list.

Because we are not a “traditional” blog where that is the main focus of our site, we have some additional freedoms for publishing content that has appeared in other places if you would like to freshen it up a bit and send it over.

All articles must be sent in a word document to Lizzie Gray Nunnery at [email protected]. Articles considered for publication must be between 400 and 1200 words, and they must include helpful, actionable content.

TTD will not publish advertorials, but you are allowed to include links, particularly at the end of the article, that will help families seek additional information on the topic or if you have a printable, lead magnet, or list builder that they can sign up for.

Articles may be in any of the following categories: General Homeschool Information and Tips (covering all levels of education,) Getting Started Homeschool, Homeschooling with special needs or through special circumstances, Family or Homeschool Financial Information, Discipleship, Parenting, Marriage, and Family Matters.

List posts will also be accepted as long as they fall within one of the categories above. There is no limit to the number of articles you can submit, although not all are guaranteed to be selected for publication.

TTD will provide a header graphic for each post, but you are welcome to send graphics for inclusion in the rest of the article. Please send any printables that you want to have included in PDF form.

Writer is asked to provide short social media promotional verbiage to go with the article. We will schedule a social media campaign for each article that will include multiple posts on multiple platforms.

Writer will also have the opportunity to provide a photo and short bio to be embedded in each post you submit. Within your bio, you are welcome to be as “promotional” as you want to be and include links to your site and products. The length for bios should be between 100-250 words.

Posts will be evaluated for content and fit, and should your post be chosen for submission, you will be notified of publication date and sent the link to share with your audience.

Video Submissions

Teach Them Diligently has found that video is an incredibly effective way to communicate with our families, and we produce at least 1 video “mini-workshop” each week. That content is strategically planned and promoted on YouTube and other social media outlets.

Within our membership site, there are also additional resources and links included for our best customers and most committed families to engage even more deeply with the content.

Questions Moms Ask and other Compilation Videos.

We have a regularly scheduled feature on our blog and TTD365 answering some of the questions homeschool moms ask over and over. You can sign up to contribute to a topic by clicking here.

Requirements for QMA submissions:

All Questions Moms Ask videos must be shot in landscape format (sideways and not up and down,) in a well-lit area and in high quality video (Your phone’s camera will work just fine as long as you make sure the lighting and composition of the shot is nice.)

All videos for this series must be kept to 3-4 minutes, for we edit together 2-3 answers on each topic to give the moms several perspectives on the question. You should be able to answer the question succinctly—this is not a full-blown workshop-type answer, but rather a quick hit, give them an insight-type answer.

I will happily include links to articles of products that can help them in the additional resources section. Again, these are simply tips or short answers to bigger questions through which you can encourage our families, equip them, give them personal examples of what you have done, etc. This is a great way to mentor them and strengthen your relationship with them as well as establish yourself as a reliable source of information.

You may submit your videos by uploading to and sharing a Dropbox Link with [email protected]. Please also send an email to Lizzie Gray at [email protected] telling her the question you are answering and to make sure we know to be on the lookout for your video.

Once your video is chosen for submission, you will be informed when it will publish and how it will be promoted. The schedule for these videos will be determined by the order the content is received. It is expected they will publish at least once a month.

Other Video Opportunities

Video Interviews

Often on TTD365 and You Tube, we feature interviews with experts about a certain subject. These interviews will be conducted by Leslie Nunnery and are generally about 15-20 minutes in length.

If you are interested in participating in a video interview, send a note to [email protected] noting what you would really like to talk about. The categories would be the same as listed in the blog post submission section above.

Be as specific as possible about your topic, so we can make sure we work that interview into the recording and publication schedule. Through those interviews, you will be expected to talk generally about a topic that is of interest to our homeschool moms.

There will be opportunity for you to explain who you are and who you’re with, but these videos are not self-promotional in nature. We will, however, happily link to printables, list builders, and other resources that are applicable to the subject at hand that can help people find you and engage with you as well.

Once your proposal is accepted, Lizzie Gray or Leslie will set up a time for us to record your interview. Either at the time of recording or within the days following the recording, you will be informed when your video will be published and how it will be shared.

Live Meetups for TTD365 Members

When you have a video featured within a month, it is a GREAT idea to make the time to join us for the Live video meetup with our TTD365 members that month. It will give you an opportunity to join one of the most loved elements of the TTD365 membership, which is the time of personal fellowship and mentoring.

It will allow us to make you available for follow-up questions from our moms as well. We have live meetups at the end of each month, and they last for exactly 1 hour. The dates are published in advance, so you can plan on them.

If you would like to participate in the meetup, let me know when we discuss when your content will be published. Your participation will be promoted along with the meetup, so our families will be excited that you’ll be joining us.

Video Webinars/Workshops

We would also like to extend to you the opportunity to provide a 45 minute-1 hour video webinar or workshop for our audience. These will be heavily promoted for the initial launch of the webinar/workshop and then will live as part of our TTD365 membership site in perpetuity.

Not only will you get promotion to our entire email list, social media platforms, etc. for the webinar/workshop content, but you will also be extended the opportunity to communicate directly with all those who attend the workshop, for we will send the list straight to you for follow up.

If you would like to submit a proposal for a video webinar/workshop, please send a description of the content to Lizzie Gray at [email protected]. We’ll touch base with you about specifics and timing if your workshop is chosen for this season. We would like to offer 1 per month, so opportunities are definitely limited.

Video Series/Courses

If you feel that what you have to share is more valuable broken down into 4-6 videos, complete with worksheets, printables, etc., we would love to help you produce a video course for our audience. All video courses will be heavily promoted to our entire audience for the initial launch and will be made available for purchase and through our TTD365 membership site.

The benefits to you for participating are extensive: You will build strong affinity with our audience and get promotion that is incredibly valuable for building your brand and online presence; you will further establish yourself as not only an expert in the field but also as a servant of Christian homeschool families.

Again, there are a max number of 12 spots available over the 2019 season, so if you have an interest in learning more about this opportunity, send Lizzie Gray a note today, and we’ll touch base personally to help you put together a valuable course.

Social Media Opportunities

Teach Them Diligently is committed to utilizing every platform God has built for the furtherance of our mission to Strengthen Families Through Biblical Home Education. To that end, you will start to notice a very directed approach to all of our social media platforms, but as a partner, you will also find a myriad of ways to make our platforms work for you as well!

Facebook Page

If you would like to have something shared on our Facebook page, simply post the link in the vendors/speakers group or in our affiliates group on Facebook.  Helpful articles are always good to share as are inspirational or funny graphics that help build engagement and encourage conversation.

If you have something that is doing well on your own page, let us know, so we can share your post on ours! Working together to reach more people is always a good strategy!

Facebook Groups

As you know, we have many site-specific Facebook groups. Those groups are there for the express purpose of engaging with our fans about matters related to TTD events and the heart of the TTD mission—Strengthening Families Through Biblical Home Education.

Those groups are not appropriate places for self-promotion of any kind, with the exception of information that relates specifically to your workshops or sessions onsite.

All posts in our Facebook groups will be very strategically placed to encourage engagement and conversation, so feel free to use those groups to grow relationships with the members by contributing to the conversation at hand, but refrain from posting offers, videos, etc. that are designed to draw people to your website or social media platform.

As you can see, there are many other, more strategic ways for us to partner with you to do that.


Our focus on Instagram will be similar to our focus on Facebook—building community, establishing rapport, and providing great conversation and resources to families.

Instagram is a great way for us to naturally promote you via something you have said or written—for example, you could send a quote that has resonated with people, and we can build a post around it, tagging you, of course!—but making that promotion a helpful piece of content rather than simply a call to action.

The expectation would be that you would pick up the post and share it, tagging us in return, thus extending the reach of both parties and allowing us to serve even more families. At the same time, if you post something about TTD, we will be on the lookout for that as well and will repost, thank you, comment, etc. to also increase engagement.

Instagram offers a great platform for collaboration towards a similar goal, and we invite you to join us there. If you have not yet done so, you can follow us at @TeachDiligently. Make sure you tag us or let us know somehow that you have done so, and we’ll be very happy to follow you back!


Throughout the year, there will be opportunities to participate in promotions, contests, parties, giveaways, etc. It is critically important that you watch your inbox for those notifications, for each opportunity will be limited in the number of people who can participate, so you’ll want to act quickly.

Affiliate Program

If you are a partner with us and have not yet signed up for our affiliate program, I encourage you to do so now. Utilizing affiliate links for TTD events and TTD365 will afford you commissions for each family who registers or signs up through your link.

We actually pay 20% commission on every dollar sold, so it is a great way to get paid back for letting people know they can see you in person or join you virtually through a TTD event or platform. Get more details on our affiliate program here and sign up today!

Have further questions or ideas? We’d love to hear from you! Send a note to Lizzie Gray ([email protected],) and she’ll make sure the right person on our team gets the message and touches base with you quickly.

Remember, these opportunities are only available to those who are active partners with Teach Them Diligently. If you are a speaker or vendor who has not yet signed up for 2020, make sure you secure your space now to take full advantage of this program.

If you are an affiliate, make sure you are actively promoting Teach Them Diligently in order to be included in this program as well. We can all work together to maximize our reach and our opportunities for ministering to families as we all strengthen families through biblical home education!

For the sake of His name!

Leslie Nunnery