Dana Blomberg

Dana Blomberg loves marriage to her beloved husband of 30 years, homeschooling veteran of 23 years, traveled on a conference production team for mom conferences for 5 years, and loves the atmosphere of encouragement provided at such events. Since their kids are now beyond their high school years, she currently is working as the Admissions Coordinator at Faith Baptist Bible College in Ankeny, Iowa

Workshops from Dana Blomberg (may vary by event location)

The Battle of Discontentment

There is a place deep in a woman’s heart that is aching for more. We try to fill that space with marriage, babies, homeschooling, friends, things, trends, social media, activities, etc. But even after acquiring all of these things, our hearts can feel empty, unsettled, and we begin to continue to look for the next thing that will bring satisfaction. Sometimes, our expectations can set us up for disappointment and further heartache. How can I get out of this rut? Through the lense of Scripture let’s take a step back, allow the Truth of God’s Word to transform our thinking, and find true contentment on the other side.