As we approach 2020, we’ll discuss the vision for the 365 community and our theme of Families on Mission. Throughout this year, we’ll discover a mission we can all get behind and explore a lot of methods that work to enable you to accomplish that mission even better! I can hardly wait to see what God has in store for all of us together!
With that in mind, will you…
- Commit to watching (or listening to) the videos each week.
- Commit to prioritizing the meetups. You won’t be able to make each one, but I would love for you to pop in for a visit from time to time. The virtual meetups are generally the third Monday evening of every month, and the live meetups will be announced as interest directs.
- Commit to getting involved in the groups and overall chat as a discipleship and mentoring outlet for all of us. They provide great ways for us to share our ideas and experiences with others– and to ask the tough questions we may not want to ask in a more public place.
- Commit to making every effort to attend a Teach Them Diligently event to physically meet up with those you have been building relationships and growing together with this year.
- Commit to utilizing the workshops that are at your disposal when you need specific encouragement or instruction.
- Commit to taking what God is teaching you and investing in others as well
I am completely convinced that 2020 can be a time when we all see God do great and mighty things in us as moms, in our families, and in our communities. I cannot wait to hear your testimonies as we go along.
Additional Resources:
- Check out the kick-off videos from the last 2 years where we discussed Live Boldly and Rethink Everything. Both of those kicked off year long video series where we discussed every element of life as a Christian homeschool family. All of those videos are still available for your reference, so feel free to search them out anytime!
- If you are looking for a resource to help you and your family stay on mission this year, check out the Families On Mission family devotional guide. (Which can also be used for personal study.) I pray this free resource will be a blessing and help to your family all year long.
- God wants to us you!! He has a plan for your family, right where you are! How amazing is that?!? Read an article about that here.
- My son wrote an article about being a full time Christian that you may want to share with your teens as you all embark on your journey to becoming a family on mission. Click here to read that now. (Camden will be playing the role of “Chief” this year at Mission:Incredible children’s program, teaching your kiddos about loving God and knowing Him better.)
- Sign up to participate in an interview for TTD365 by clicking here. If you wish to contribute an article, send me a note– you can do that via direct message right here from TTD365. I am working on submission guidelines and protocols now, so I’ll get back with you as soon as it’s ready.
Recommended Audio For Members Only:
Homeschooling From An Eternal Perspective by Norm Wakefield
What makes Christian home education distinct from other educational philosophies is the perspective from which we teach and live–a heavenly perspective. You’ll learn how to bring the presence, perspective, and power of God near to your children.
If you are not currently a member of TTD365, join us today! You’ll instantly gain access to almost 2,000 audio recordings and over 150 videos to help you grow in your walk with God, in your role as a parent, and in your pursuit of your calling to Teach Your Children diligently day in and day out. Plus, you’ll have access to an incredible community of like-minded Christian families who are walking the same road you are. We sure would love to get to know you there! Click here to learn more.