TTDLive Greenville Audio Collection
*The search will take you site-wide, so include Greenville 2023 if you want to only search these sessions.
Am I Doing Enough?
Speaker – Cheryl KischukIn this current culture, how do we combat the frustrating pitfalls, struggles, and lies that we, as parents, are not doing enough? Parents are burdened with the heavy responsibilities of equipping, educating, and discipling our children well into a post-Christian era. In this session, you will learn the antidote to the apprehension surrounding […]
Creating A Grateful Home: Way Beyond Please and Thank You!
Speaker – David Nunnery Gratitude is so powerful in the heart of a believer. It will transform your home, your heart, and your mind. It will improve your platform for teaching, heal your marriage, and so much more.
Refocus on your Marriage (Ladies Only)
Speaker – Leslie Nunnery The world is full of messaging that breeds discontent— your finances are not enough, your opportunities are not enough, your marriage is not enough, etc. Instagram and Facebook absolutely breed that discontent and encourage us to lean into it and feast on it. So, it’s time to refocus our hearts and […]
Husbands Love Your Wives (Men Only)
Speaker – David Nunnery In this men-only session, we’re going to discuss what we can learn from the life and death of Jesus about loving our wives and how that can impact our families each and every day.
The Joy of the Lord is your Strength
Speaker – Cheryl Kischuk The Winter Blues. A Mid-Year Slump. Seasonal Affective Disorder. Lack of Motivation. Whatever term you choose, you are not alone. During the second half of the school year, many educators, and students alike struggle to renew their vigor for educational rigor.Anxiety and Depression are on the rise in our culture and […]
Homeschooling Young Children
Speaker – Hal and Melanie YoungWhen do you get started and what do you do first? We’ve had precocious readers and late bloomers, but every one of them has benefited from being homeschooled from the beginning. Find out how to know when each child is ready for formal academics, how to get started, and what […]
How Not to Lose Your Teens
Speakers – Hal and Melanie YoungWhen you get to the end of your homeschooling and your child leaves home, things get real. At that point, the only thing you’ll have is relationship: their relationship with God and their relationship with you. Learn about encouraging research that highlights the critical importance of relationships in the spiritual […]
Middle School Madness
Speakers – Hal and Melanie YoungWhen our oldest was eight, we thought we were pretty great homeschool parents. Then he hit nine or ten and the wheels fell off his educational train! Another child did pretty well until he was eleven, then all-of-a-sudden he couldn’t focus at all or remember things he’d learned last week. […]
Heidi St. John and Leslie Nunnery Q+A
Homeschool For The Heart
Speaker – Leslie NunneryHomeschooling is a great thing. It provides the finest quality, tailored education your children can have, and it gives you the opportunity to build relationships, explore the world together, and so much more. But, homeschooling is not an end in itself. Rather, homeschooling is a fantastic tool for discipleship and growth. In […]
How to Foster Responsibility in Your Homeschool
Speaker – Kim Sorgius You can’t do everything, but that’s a good thing because responsibility is one of the most important skills kids can learn. In this session, we will explore practical ways to get your kids to take ownership and how to make sure nothing falls through the cracks in the process.
Light A Thousand Fires
Speaker – Heidi St. JohnAre you weary? Today’s parents are up against a lot. We’re shepherding children in a time when the war for their hearts and minds has reached a fever-pitch. And yes—the battle is real—but so is our God! Come spend an hour with mother of seven, Heidi St. John as she offers […]
Raising Godly Boys: The Four-Step Proven Process For Growing Boys Into Godly Men
Speaker – Stephen AshtonBoys are in trouble. Hear Stephen Ashton of Trail Life USA talk about proven processes for helping to pull boys out of the cultural mire that seems to want to declare them deficient. If you have a boy in your home or are leading boys, you will be equipped with an understanding […]
The Joy of the Lord is your Strength
Speaker: Cheryl KischukThe Winter Blues. A Mid-Year Slump. Seasonal Affective Disorder. Lack of Motivation. Whatever term you choose, you are not alone. During the second half of the school year, many educators, and students alike struggle to renew their vigor for educational rigor.Anxiety and Depression are on the rise in our culture and there are […]