Top 5 Mistakes Homeschoolers Make | 110

With the end of the school year upon us and many of us doing an assessment of the year and planning for next, we wanted to take some time this week to talk about some of the big mistakes homeschoolers make that rob them of the peace they are longing for  and even hurt their relationships sometimes. It’s super easy to fall into these, whether it’s your first year or your 11th year, so today’s episode is important for those just thinking about homeschooling and homeschool veterans alike. We are glad you’ve chosen to join us today, and we hope you’ll share this with your homeschool community and any friends or family members who are on the fence. We hope it will be an encouragement to all.

We officially launched a reboot of our Sunday Night Email. You may have noticed Homeschool Subjects hitting your inbox around 8 pm EST, and we hope you really enjoyed the content we sent. Each weekly edition of homeschool subjects will bring you the same teaching you’ve become accustomed to receiving each week from Teach Them Diligently, as well as news and information about homeschool and family that we’ve curated just for you– and that we truly believe you’ll be interested in reading. In addition to that, each week, we’ll share a tip or trick from a Teach Them Diligently family, upcoming events, or content that you can be on the lookout for. There’s even a way for you to share Homeschool subjects with your friends so you can easily earn free merch like stickers, t-shirts, sweatshirts, and more.  If you’re not receiving homeschool subjects, click HERE today and sign up! 

Round Rock Texas is this week!! Our first big event of the season. TTD events are amazing times of coming together to learn and grow that you honestly can’t afford to miss. Go to TeachThemDiligently.net/events to learn more and get your ticket today. 

Additional Resources:

David and Leslie referred to many wonderful resources on this podcast episode. Find links below:
The Mystery of Discipleship Podcast

We want to hear from you! Submit your podcast questions, topic suggestions, and guest requests and help us make the Teach Them Diligently Podcast great. 

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