Top 10 Homeschooling Middle School Science Curriculum Choices For 2021

Teaching science to middle school age children is a time for transition and for growth. It is a great time for students to take on responsibility and to become more independent in their studies.

We have asked some Teach Them Diligently families what their favorite Middle School Science curriculums are. Those are listed below with a link to our complete Homeschool Family Favorite Guide.

The Top 3…

Apologia Science – From their website: This course is part of Apologia’s award-winning homeschool science curriculum for middle school students and is designed to help middle school students transition in their homeschool work from the elementary level to seventh grade.

Masterbooks Science – From their website: This study of science will captivate your student’s heart as they explore the earth and sky in this uniquely designed course! From weather, water, minerals, and stars, your student will discover the handiwork of their Creator as they explore scientific facts, principles, and their application to our lives. Through engaging full-color text, fascinating illustrations, worksheets, and activities, your student will connect with the fascinating world of science!

God’s Design From Masterbooks – From their website: This study of science will captivate your student’s heart as they explore the earth and sky in this uniquely designed course! From weather, water, minerals, and stars, your student will discover the handiwork of their Creator as they explore scientific facts, principles, and their application to our lives. Through engaging full-color text, fascinating illustrations, worksheets, and activities, your student will connect with the fascinating world of science!

Top Middle School Science Curriculums 4-5

4. Memoria Press Science and Nature Guides – From their website: Before you can study nature, you have to know what nature is. Memoria Press science program has two goals prior to high school science. First, we introduce students to the world of nature by studying the things it is made up of—birds, insects, trees, mammals, and the heavenly bodies. Second, students are given a narrative account of the development of the sciences—they are given science in a story form, in a way they can best understand it. They are then ready to study high school science using the excellent Novare Science Series.

5. Abeka Science  -From their website: Homeschooling is an opportunity for parents to give their children the education they need to succeed. The first step to their success: choosing an educational curriculum that invests in your kids the way you do. Our proven spiral learning approach helps kids retain more of what they learn.

Top Middle School Science Curriculums 6-10

2021 Homeschool Family Favorites Guide

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