Top 10 Homeschooling High School Writing Curriculum Choices For 2021

Writing is very personal. When we share our efforts,  we are hoping to evoke an emotion, stir a reaction, and touch your life in some way. Ignore the glaring misspellings and dangling participles for now.  Simply enjoy what your child has to offer.

We have asked some Teach Them Diligently families what their favorite High School Writing curriculums are. Those are listed below with a link to our complete Homeschool Family Favorite Guide.

The Top 3…

Institute for Excellence in Writing – From their website: At the Institute for Excellence in Writing, we train teachers to model an oral and written pathway of communication which develops the language skills of all students through imitation to innovation. Because every teacher can use the method in his or her classroom, every parent can be confident that every student can learn to listen, speak, read, write, and think effectively and eloquently.

Memoria Press Classical Composition – From their website: Memoria Press’ composition program, Classical Composition, is based on the original classical method of teaching writing called the “progymnasmata.” It was the program that produced John Milton and William Shakespeare. This method involved learning fourteen skills, organized from the simplest and most basic to the most complex and sophisticated. In addition, our English Grammar Recitation program will solidify the grammar your child has learned in Latin through memorizing and reciting the essential grammatical and usage rules in English.

BJU Press Grammar and Writing – From their website: Few skills are more essential today than effective communication. Help your children sharpen the tools of language use–writing and grammar skills. Your children’s analytical abilities will grow as they expand their vocabulary and learn to use words in context. They will learn how to read literature in the light of biblical truth and how to deal biblically with objectionable elements. BJU Press Literature teaches an appreciation for literary techniques in Scripture, presents a variety of genres from a range of cultures, and develops critical thinking skills.

Top High School Writing Curriculums 4-5

4. One year Adventure Novel – From their website: Through 78 video lessons, the One Year Adventure Novel guides high school writers (9th – 12th grade) step by step in creating an original, fully-structured adventure novel—in one school year (two semesters

5. Writing with Ease From Well-Trained Mind – From their website: Susan Wise Bauer’s writing instruction book, newly revised and updated, is part I of The Complete Writer series, a curriculum helping you to take charge of your child’s writing skills now

Top High School Writing Curriculums 6-10

2021 Homeschool Family Favorites Guide

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