As you educate your students, can you say they are involved in concept development, or are they learning passively? Are they figuring things out for themselves, or are they learning tricks and shortcuts? Do they see the logic in what they are learning, or are they just memorizing information, for a test? Are they analyzing their mistakes to find the reasons why they answered incorrectly, or are they just accepting their fate, and recording a grade? We are here to help!
We have asked some Teach Them Diligently families what their favorite High School Algebra curriculums are. Those are listed below with a link to our complete Homeschool Family Favorite Guide.
The Top 3…
From their website: TT is the only homeschool math curriculum that does everything for the mom. Specifically, each Teaching Textbook both grades AND teaches. Most homeschool math programs don’t do either and only a few do one of the two. But none grade every single problem and teach a student how to do every single problem (using multimedia step-by-step tutorials). Because TT does “the whole job” for math, it can’t be compared cost-wise with other homeschool math curricula. In fact, it’s much fairer to compare TT to a tutor and on that basis, TT is also an incredible value.
Math-U-See Algebra – From their website: Math-U-See is designed to teach students specific skills that build as the student progresses. This systematic and cumulative approach uses a definite, logical sequence of concept instruction. The Math-U-See system is structured with step-by-step procedures for introducing, reviewing, practicing, and mastering concepts. Each lesson teaches using multi-sensory tools such as videos, manipulatives, and other resources, designed to appeal to any type of learner. With these resources, we are able to adapt to a variety of homeschool styles.
Saxon – From their website: Saxon Math Algebra 1 program is made up of five instructional components: Introduction of the New Increment, Examples with Complete Solutions, Practice of the Increment, Daily Problem Sets, and Cumulative Tests. Saxon Math Algebra 1 covers topics typically treated in a first-year algebra course.
Top High School Algebra Curriculums 4-5
4. Life of Fred Algebra – From their website: Never again hear the question which many math students have: “When are we ever gonna use this stuff?” or “Math is boring!” No other textbooks are like these. Each text is written in the style of a novel with a humorous story line. Each section tells part of the life of Fred Gauss and how, in the course of his life, he encounters the need for math and then learns the methods. Tons of solved examples. Each hardcover textbook contains ALL of the material – more than most instructors cover in traditional classroom settings. Includes tons of proofs.
5. Jacob’s Math Algebra – From their website: Develops a lasting understanding of Algebra concepts Interacts with concepts using real-world examples, ensuring students will know exactly how to apply the material they are learning to real-life and other academic subjects Is prepared to take their understanding of Algebraic concepts outside the math textbook and successfully apply them to higher math courses, sciences, & everyday life