Things You Don’t Need to Homeschool

Picture of happy school boy. If you homeschool or are considering home education, it’s easy to be overwhelmed by all the decisions about what to use or include in your journey.

We have found some things unnecessary for the success of our homeschool. These are not “bad things” as they serve a purpose in their setting.

However, they are things you won’t have to stress over during your homeschool days. In fact, you will probably be thankful to leave some of these out of your home education experience.

A – After school care

B – Buses, backpacks, and bells

C – Cafeteria food and car lines

D – Desks and demerits

E – Excuse slips

F – Fire drills and formations

G – Gym clothes (We just play in our normal clothes)

H – Hall passes

I – Student ID cards (Though it’s not a bad idea to have them for your field trips and outings. If you need to make your own, THIS post will tell you how)

J – Jungle gyms and fancy playground equipment (We love using the local parks playgrounds for outings though)

K – Kleenex collections. We may occasionally get the sniffles, but toilet paper works just as well.

L – Lockers and lunch money

M – Maladies (think cold and flue season) shared around

N – New Sneakers in the Fall (We just get them as needed)

O – Officers on the property

P – Permission slips and parent/teacher meetings

Q – Queens and Kings and Homecoming Dances

R – Recess

S – Sex-Ed as a curriculum (But if you need help talking to your child about this, THIS is a great resource!)

T – Tardy slips

U – Uniforms (Though some homeschoolers do opt to use them, and you can read our reasons for it here)

V – Vacation days set by the school district (We vacation when we please and plan our school days around important family trips, not the other way around)

W – Water fountains

X – Xenophobia (the fear of strangers)

Y – Year books, and annuals (We prefer a Family Scrapbook, or school memory book.)

Z – Zones, school zones, bus zones, and loading zones

Just as it takes a special grace to home educate your child(ren), it also takes a special grace to remember and interact with the above alphabet on a regular basis. I am so thankful God gives grace for the task to which he calls us individually (I Thessalonians 5:24).

What would you add to this list of things you don’t need to homeschool?


Katie Hornor paradisepraises.comKatie Hornor is an expat missionary wife, homeschool mommy to five, and a blogging coach currently living in Mexico. In her free time she speaks and writes to encourage you to a praise-filled home and homeschool and to promote homeschooling among Spanish Speakers. Visit Paradise Praises for free resources for your home and homeschool today.
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