The Wisdom Of Putting Things Together As Parents | 170

Last week, David and I took a few days to head up to the mountains to pray and plan about the next few months. We do that regularly, for everything we do runs through our house– as do a whole lot of teenagers and young adults. Getting away is honestly the only way we can effectively plan it feels  like. 
One morning, David shared with me what he had learned in his devotions that morning and by pulling on a few extra threads, so to speak, in his study, and I convinced him to chat with me about it today, for it’s all about how we can pass on wisdom to our children by helping them put things together. There is some GREAT, super practical information for parents.

Podcast Sponsor:

Today’s podcast is sponsored by AOP.  Homeschooling empowers parents to give their children an individualized education like no other educational setup can provide. With AOP, you can teach your children in the way they learn best while keeping homeschooling fun and full of excitement as you discover new things each day. Choose from multiple curriculum options to fit your child’s strengths, learning style, and needs. Learn more at teachthemdiligently.net/aop

It is Collection Week for all those Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes! These shoeboxes give us a wonderful way to participate in the gospel going all around the world as each child who receives a gift also hears about Jesus’ love for them and gets a copy of The Greatest Journey, which is connected to a discipleship program they are invited to participate in. Go to teachthemdiligently.net/occ to learn more and to discover where you can drop off your gift now. 

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