The Power of Habits– 40 Days To Transform

Whether we are comfortable admitting it or not, our lives are dominated by a collection of reflexes and routines for which we expend very little brain power. We readily accept that habits have power in our lives, but we underestimate just how much of our lives do not utilize intentional thought.

There is a recent scientific study that proves that 45% of our daily lives are determined by habit and routine. We eat meals at the same time. We sleep at the same approximate cycle. We get angry at the same things. We watch the same shows. We drive the same way home. We are dominated by routine and rhythm. And, these patterns can be both destructive and life-giving, but they do dominate our lives.

Habits are the rigid patterns that shape our lives.

And, they do not just creep up without a consistent pattern over a long period. In short, they are learned over time.

In the Bible and Jewish tradition, the number 40 is the number of transformation. It rained for 40 days straight during The Flood which massively transformed the atmosphere and geography of the earth and destroyed every living creature that breathed air. Or, the time Jesus spent in the wilderness after His baptism fasting. In that 40 days, he went from a good man to beginning a powerful ministry. As Luke 4:14 mentions, “And Jesus returned in the power of the Spirit to Galilee…”. Certainly, Jesus’ interaction with those around Him transformed before and after the time in the wilderness.

And there are many other instances of transformation after 40 Days in the Bible:

  • Moses and the relationship of God to the Israelites was transformed by 40 days on top of Mt. Sinai
  • The spies were transformed by 40 days in the Promised Land
  • Elijah was transformed when God gave him 40 days of strength from a single meal.
  • The entire city of Nineveh was transformed after 40 days of Jonah preaching repentance.
  • The disciples were transformed after 40 days with Jesus after the Resurrection

In these true stories, the Bible is actually revealing to us just how long it takes to take on a new habit that will transform our days and who we are. The ability of habits to transform us can be seen in just how much of our days are determined by routine.

So, I would like to ask for you to partner with me in a new creation…

We are working on a new series of journals called the Transform Journals.  The journals are based off of the 40 day model and they are meant to help you establish routines and reflexes that will have ripple effects in your family relationships and your walk with God.

The first one is on Thankfulness and the teachings will come from the Psalms. Thankfulness is mentioned in the Bible more than 160 times, and it is talked most often by David in the Psalms and Paul in his Epistles. We are starting in the Psalms.

David and Paul clearly had a reflex of Thankfulness when dealing with trials and joys, and I want to help you have this same reflex as well. It will change your life. And, I believe writing or journaling is the best way to establish this, but we need your help.

What I am asking for is that you partner with me in the creation process? We have a ton done and we need some feedback.

Here is what we will ask of you…

First you will need to click below and fill out the super simple form to be added to the list.

  • Next, you will receive a series of emails regarding Thankfulness in the Bible sent over several days. Just to give you a headline, I believe thankfulness is one of the most important characteristics of our walk with Christ and our own happiness. I will make my case in these emails. And, these emails can become a Bible class with your children as we move into the Thanksgiving Holiday.

  • These journals are going to be beautiful. We will ask for your opinion regarding cover and design of inside pages. You will have a big role in deciding our cover.

  • We have a page structure with contextual teaching for the Psalms as well as teaching regarding Thanksgiving from the Psalms. We are going to ask you to go through 3 to 5 days of the journal and then give us feedback. I can tell you that as I personally went through the teaching and exercises in this journal I felt more peaceful and joyful. 

That is it…we just need feedback. You are literally going to be an important element of the creation process by joining this group. And, there is no requirement that you do everything that is asked (even partial participation would be a big help).

How does that sound?

All you have to do to join is click the button below, and remember to confirm your subscription. The confirm email will go to the same email that you subscribe with. Gmail subscribers, remember to check the promotions box.

We need your help!


Click here to join our team to help finish this new Transform Journal On Thankfulness in the Psalms.

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