The Power of a Morning Routine | 50

Mornings- You are either the person who jumps out of bed ready to take on the day or the person who needs a solid 2 hours and a giant coffee before you are ready to speak. Mornings can feel rushed to get breakfast on the table, school work started, chores done, and not have to reheat your coffee five times before noon. Today on the podcast, we will explore how habits build identity- and in this case, it’s DEFINITELY an identity that will add peace and joy to your life– and impact your children in ways you would never even imagine.

Additional Resources:

Want to find out more about Kat Lee, follow her at her page Hello Mornings.
Use this wonderful Family Prayer Calendar to be intentional with praying!
We invite you to be part of HeartSchool! This wonderful program written by Leslie Nunnery will encourage your heart as you focus on the most important part of why you homeschool.
Are you looking for encouragement and community in your homeschool journey? 
TTD365 is the place to find thousands of workshops, like minded parents, and community!
Day Starters– Scriptures and other tools to start your day off right!

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