On today’s podcast, we are joined by Stephen Ashton. Stephen has a heart for ministering to our boys and he’s spent a lifetime doing it– from serving at risk youth for 15 years to now being on the executive team at Trail Life USA. Now, as a homeschool dad himself, he has some incredible insight into how we can best engage our boys in not only the learning process, but in activities that go a long way towards helping them become the man God has created them to be. You don’t want to miss a minute.
Additional Resources:
What to learn more about the incredible boat story? Click HERE to read in full the adventure of building a boat!
Find information about Stephen Ashton’s book “Remembering the Wilderness Road” by clicking HERE.
Find out more about Trail Life and how your family can be involved! Find a location near you by clicking HERE.
We are excited to have Trail Life as part of our upcoming in person conferences in Round Rock, TX and Pigeon Forge, TN. We hope you will join us! Click HERE to find out more!