A season of waiting. The season of Advent dates back to the early church. A season of expectation and arrival. The arrival of Jesus. Emmanuel. God with us. The word “advent” comes from the Latin word adventus meaning “arrival”. The season of Advent is not something that is required or another thing to check off the already long list of “holiday to-dos”, but it is instead an invitation to meet a holy God in a holy season. An invitation to join the expectation of the first Christmas as God came to earth as a babe in a manger that would forever change all of mankind. As believers, we have an invitation to join in the holy expectation of an event that forever changed the world. Even more, we as Christian parents have the honor of bringing our children with us into this season.
The season of Advent invites us to be present with our Lord. In order to lead our children, we as parents must first prepare our own hearts in this season. Parents set the tone during this Christmas season. The hustle and busyness, the distractions of materialism in this season can encompass us so quickly we hardly know what is happening. We must be in the Word. The gospel of Luke is one of my favorite passages to dwell on during advent. The praise of Mary as she magnifies the blessing of carrying Jesus Christ and realization of Who she has been trusted to birth. Be in the Word. Below we have devotional resources for adults and I hope you will look into them. Find the peaceful and quiet moments to awe at the miracle that Christmas is. To have the heart and wonder of a child as you see your own children during this season.
Another invitation of advent is the holy culture we create in our home. Jamie Erickson references a comforting and peaceful home in her book Holy Hygge. In this book she explains the thought and intention behind what we bring into our home and the beauty we create there. We have the honor through decor, meals, stories, and more, to fill our home and children’s hearts with the truth of Christmas. As homeschoolers, we have the freedom to “Christmas school”, which is my family’s favorite! During the time between Thanksgiving and Christmas, our family chooses an advent study to share together in addition to the tradition of the Jesse tree. These moments include readings, baking, crafting, stories, and so much more! The freedom of baking Christmas cookies and delivering them to neighbors, creating Christmas cards and delivering them to a local nursing home, creating a shoebox for Operation Christmas Child, the list goes on and on! These moments of intentional discipleship moments will forever be pressed on the hearts of our children. These moments point our children to the Christ of Christmas instead of the “give-me-give-me” that often comes.
Finally, the invitation of advent invites us to rest in the promise of Emmanuel. I believe the Christmas season can be the most exhausting time of the year. By pulling our children here, there, and everywhere, we as parents must evaluate each event. Parents must ask themselves, “Is this event something that will draw my children’s hearts closer to their God or simply cause chaos and stress?” There are indeed some events, family gatherings, for example, that expect our presence. In those moments, we trust a sovereign God to meet us in those moments as we honor family, but we simply cannot let it steal the peace that God longs to bring to us through Advent. The invitation is waiting for Emmanuel. The invitation to join the presence, the expectation of that first Christmas cannot be known if we run ourselves ragged. Parents must be discerning for our children to choose the better thing.
At Teach Them Diligently, our heart is to equip you as a child of God and also as a parent with resources to truly receive all that this season can be. Advent invites us to be present with our Lord, create a holy culture in our home, and invite us to rest in the promise of Emmanuel. We pray that the resources below help to encourage your heart as you walk through this Advent season and experience the spirit and beauty of Christmas in a way you simply never have before.
My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior.
Luke 1:46-47
Advent Resources for Families
Brighter Day Press
Come to the Manger is a 4-week Christmas guide designed for ages 3-7. The plans include lessons for 4 days each week, leaving Friday to fill with your own family’s Christmas traditions. Each day, you’ll find a Bible reading with a short devotion and discussion questions, a suggested picture book to read, and engaging activities. The guide also includes a hand-painted watercolor nativity that you and your child can use throughout the study. It’s never too early to introduce your children to Jesus, the true meaning of Christmas!
Discount Code: CHRISTMAS for 15% off!
Rabbit Trails Homeschool
Journey Down the Rabbit Trail in your homeschool and encourage your children to become confident writers this Christmas season! This writing membership from Rabbit Trails Homeschool has a new lesson every month where your children will learn about a children’s book author or illustrator, read award-winning books, and receive monthly writing assignments (complete with brainstorming activities). This December, we are studying Chris Van Allsburg and The Polar Express. You’ll also receive a family Bible study where we’ll be focusing on believing. December’s membership has extra bonus material with more ideas to bring even more magic to the season.
Discount: Grab a sample lesson to check it out, and use the code TD50 to get 50% off your first month. (Coupon code expires Monday, December 5th at midnight EST)
The Keeping Company
The Keeping Company strives to make beautiful heirloom-quality pieces to help your family daily keep joyful and grateful company with Jesus Christ. Our Cradle-to-Cross wreath prompts you to thoughtfully and intentionally prepare for and count down to Christmas, Easter, and even birthdays, anniversaries, and life’s other celebratory moments. Paired with our messiah Manger, names of Jesus devotionals, and other handcrafted products, our mission is to support you and yours in seeking Christ daily, and with hope and joy, using your support to serve God’s saving purpose in the world.
Discount Code: teachthemdiligently10
Treehouse Schoolhouse
A Connected Christmas is an invitation to gather your family and celebrate beauty and delight through festive carols, stories, poetry, art, baking, and handicrafts. It’s a 3-week Gospel-centered guide for the whole family. It’s about connecting hearts to the heart ofChristmas–to the truth of Jesus coming to earth to seek and save the lost.
Discount Code: TTD15 for 15% off digital downloads through the end of 2022!
Driven by Grace
This Bible study will take you and your kids on a journey through the story of Jesus’ birth. In just seven lessons, you will learn about the places Mary and Joseph traveled to, the key people they encountered, and the cultural context for the scriptures. This study was designed with families in mind. This open-and-go study includes daily Bible reading,crafts, recipes, read-aloud suggestions, and more! Each lesson has a Bible study portion for adults to dive deeper. The entire family can study God’s word together and have wonderful discussions this Christmas.
What’s included for each lesson:
Scripture in ESV translation
2 pages of commentary to explain culture and context
Family discussion questions
Adult Bible study questions
Read-aloud suggestions with a link to a YouTube read-aloud playlist
Meaningful crafts or recipe
Discount Code: TTD15 for 15% off my Christmas resources. Expires 12/3/22.
Devoted Motherhood
Spend the season leading up to Christmas taking a closer look at the lives of those who worshiped in “spirit and in truth” at the birth of the Messiah. This 4-week Advent devotional will take an in-depth look at the topic of worship and examine the lives of those present at Jesus’s birth to discover what we can learn about worshiping our Savior and King. It’s easy to get lost in the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, so this devotional is designed to bring our minds and hearts back to the reason for the season and spend time in true worship.Discount Code: TTDdiscount
Mighty Oaks and Arrows
This downloadable Christmas Morning Time Guide was influenced by the educational principles espoused by British educator Charlotte Mason (1842-1923), who emphasized exposing children to well-written, rich literature and poetry and feasting on a variety of subjects, such as hymns and art. This guide is meant to be used during your Morning Timewith the entire family.
This 108-page guide contains 25 days’ worth of Christmas poems, Scripture verses, Christmas Carols with sheet music, classical Christmas music pieces, and artwork. It also includes booklists, QR codes to access playlists of music used in the guide, and step-by-step instructions for the Picture Study.
Discount Code:TEACHTHEM
Peaceful Press
Unearthing Wonder: A Family Advent Guide is a 25-day Christmas devotional guide toaccompany the book All Creation Waits by Gayle Boss. The guide includes
verses, activities, recipes, and songs that are geared toward helping
your family develop meaningful traditions. Celebrate the simplicity of
the Gospel at Christmas with Unearthing Wonder: A Family Advent Guide.
Discount Code: Peaceful for 20% off
Not Consumed
Christmas is a time for celebration, but do you know WHY? Come search for the whybehind Christmas joy and hope in our Uncovering Mercies at the Manger
Christmas Bible study and Countdown Cards. Grow in Christmas joy and
understanding while uncovering the mercies of God leading up to and at
the manger.
Discounts and giveaways were applicable only when this post was written. Please note the expiration date and that the codes might be expired when reading this blog post.