working from home

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Round Rock, TX Audio Collection

Working + Homeschooling (How is it Possible?)

Speaker: Rebecca Spooner Are you trying to homeschool, keep up with your house, fit in your job, and find time for yourself? How do you juggle it all when you are doing practically three full-time jobs at once? If you are working (or considering how feasible it might be), this session is for you. Hear […]

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You Can Be Self-Employed! Don’t Just Dream it – Do it!

Listen in as Jim Hodges tells his story of how he became self-employeed. He asks questions you need to be asking and character qualities you should have before taking the plunge to start your own business. He ends the talk with helping you find out what you want to do. Listen Now

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Teaching Young Children to Love Doing Chores

Want to nurture a strong work ethic in your children and have them be excited about doing chores? Come hear Crystal Paine, popular blogger, homeschooling graduate, and homeschooling mom of three, share how her parents instilled a love of hard work in her from a young age and how she’s seeking to pass that onto her own children. This session is packed with practical, fun, and creative ideas.

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