Whitney Newby

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Navigating The Library With Wisdom

Speaker: Whitney Newby How do you navigate visiting the library when it can feel like a minefield? Do you just stop going? Do you pre-read every book that comes through your doors? In this session, Whitney will discuss practical ways to navigate the public library to find rich, wholesome, developmentally-appropriate reading material for children. Listen […]

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Getting Started in Homeschool

Speaker: Whitney Newby Are you excited to jump into homeschooling, but feel overwhelmed about where to begin? In this seminar, we’ll outline a number of educational models and talk through practical steps to begin your homeschooling journey on the right foot. Listen Now

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Raising Readers

Speaker: Whitney Newby Do you have little ones and you desire for them to love books, but you have no idea where to begin? Maybe you have older children who just don’t enjoy reading. Maybe you yourself struggle with loving to read. This seminar is for you and for anyone else looking to establish rhythms […]

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The Sacred Call of Motherhood — Whitney Newby

The culture tells us that our children are a burden, a mess, and an unwanted distraction from better things. But as mothers, we understand that our children are a gift. It is our honor and duty to raise them up and follow the Lord, but how do we do this in a culture that doesn’t […]

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