Gratitude and the Time-Poor Homeschool Family
“He has made everything beautiful in its time.” (Ec. 3:11) “…There is time for every
“He has made everything beautiful in its time.” (Ec. 3:11) “…There is time for every
In today’s episode of the Homeschooling Families Podcast, Leslie Nunnery sits down with Rachel Rauch,
Our God is a God of order. Increasing the order in your home can have
Speaker: Mark Pruitt Time Management is THE BIGGEST challenge for every student. Learn ways to get more done in less time so you can have a blast in college. Listen Now
This week, we’re going to talk about time– how much we have, how we spend it, and how valuable each moment really is. Plus, we’ll look at some common distractions and some great strategies to avoid them. Additional ResourcesTake the time to do a time inventory. Watch this video to see how I did it […]
For many of us homeschool mamas, we are wrapping up the school year! If you’re
Have you ever felt like some people seem to get more done than others? Although we all have the same 24 hours in a day, practically managing that time isnt easy. Join Kim, a single homeschooling mom, who also works full time, as she shares some of the best time hacks to help you in your homeschool. We will look at creative strategies for saving time and better organizing time (schedule) so you can manage your homeschool and live #NotConsumed!
Free Printable Responsibility Chart With all the freedom that comes with homeschooling, it’s valuable to
One of the questions that so many people ask me is “how can I possibly get everything done in a day?” When you take a birds-eye view of educating your children while still keeping them fed, clean, and nurtured– and STILL managing your home and being a wife, it can get overwhelming. This week, let’s look at time and try to find ways to use it better, so we can always have it available for what is truly important in our day.
Heidi St John shares how to use our time wisely and be able to fit in the busyness of the day. Seek the Lord and follow Him for how to do what is most important! Listen Now
Home business blends well with homeschooling, but it can also create frustration, exhaustion, and chaos. You may be paralyzed by an overwhelming to-do list and become trapped in a crisis-management approach to life. As a single homeschooling mom with four sons and a home business, Mary Jo Tate knows just how hard the challenges can be! She shares encouragement and powerful strategies to help you move past the juggling act and find balance so you, your family, and your business can flourish.
From hanging around the ape house to strolling through the reptile exhibit, everyone loves the
Running errands with our children can sometimes be the best lessons in our school
Have you noticed how hard it is to teach something you do not really know
Before we dive into the approaches to Christian homeschooling, let’s take a step back and
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