Technology & Culture

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The Pied Piper: How media is leading our children astray and what you can do about it

Speaker: Heather Bitterling This session will look at the impact that film, literature, and music can have on our children. With 30 years experience in the field, Craig and Heather will give an insider’s view into the goals of the industry and how they package information in a way that can change our perspective little […]

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The Theology of Technology, A Brief Overview

Speaker: Chris Kaspar When Cain killed Abel, he ran to technology to fill the God-shaped hole in his life. How can we apply transcendent truths to today’s choices regarding technology? Let’s dive into a topic that rarely hits the pulpit but is intensely relevant. Understand fundamental Biblical principles and guide your family’s vision for technology. […]

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The Messianic Character of American Education

Speaker: Bill Potter This class is a survey of the historical origins of the broken and depraved government schools of today. They did not suddenly erupt like Vesuvius in the last ten years. The seeds were sown in colonial times, and the creators of the modern “common schools” system were established by educational presuppositions in […]

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