Steve Scheibner

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Living On Barrowed Time

Equipping parents to raise a generation of character healthy and Christ loving children. Steve Scheibner shares his testimony of his job working with American Airlines and how he was the scheduled co-pilot of 9/11. Hear his testimony of how God spared his life and how he continues to use his gifts to encourage and equip […]

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Living On Borrowed Time: The Nine Practices of the Proactive Parent

ACT modified the Math, Reading, and Writing sections–and your student needs to be ready! In this session, we’ll work through examples of each of the updates and discuss how best to prepare your student to excel on the new content.

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2ML: Second Mile Leadership For Men

If we want our children to love learning, then we must assess their work in such a way that accords with their nature as well as the nature of the work the child is completing. If either is ignored, then our assessment will neither encourage them nor help them to improve.

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