Staci Ericson

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Dealing with Behavior Issues without Punishment or Scolding

Speaker: Staci Ericson Imagine gaining cooperation from your child in changing their misbehavior – all without punishment or scolding. Parents, news flash – most of what we tend to call ‘misbehavior’ in children is really just a lack of skillfulness in manners? What?! It is. All of our little darlings come into this world without […]

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The Connection Between Good Manners and Healthy, Happy, Relationships

Speaker: Staci Ericson Who doesn’t want to have healthy, happy relationships? Who doesn’t want their children to have healthy, happy relationships? Believe it or not, it very much depends on good manners. That’s a pretty bold statement isn’t it? I’m not talking about sweeping issues under the rug or being pretentious. I’m talking about ‘REALationships’, […]

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