social media

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Fear Blocks Excellence

This month’s lesson touches on the theme of “Excellence,” especially as it relates to combating fear and anxiety. Leslie shares a personal reflection on Mark 5:36—“Do not fear, only believe”—and how this verse has shaped her view of doing all things with excellence, whether in parenting, homeschooling, or daily life. She emphasizes that fear is […]

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Technology: How to Create Positive Social Footprint

Speaker: Connie Albers If you are like most parents, you are concerned about what your kids might post online. Social media is a powerful platform that isn’t going away. While more and more kids seek relationships online, you can teach them how to create a positive profile that helps influence the next generation. Connie Albers […]

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Parenting in a Tech World

Speaker: Titania Jordan You don’t get your kids a bike without a helmet. You don’t let them ride in a car without a seatbelt. You also don’t let them use technology without knowing the dangers of the digital landscape and how to avoid them. Just in case you need a refresher course, this session will […]

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Guiding our Kids through Social Media 101

This seminar will share how families all over the country are learning to hide God’s Word in their heart! Mega Verses includes 48 passages of scripture put to music covering 25 verses that every family should know. If your looking for a great resource and ideas on how to start your family memorizing chunks of scripture, then you need to check out Mega Verses.

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Connected Teens, Connected Families

The Bible calls Christians to RESIST evil. But Scripture also calls us to be God’s hands and feet in His great work of REDEEMING and RESTORING creation. This presentation includes real life examples of Christians actively engaged in redemptive work in media today ??? along with practical tips about how we can ???go and do likewise.???

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Learning with Technology

It’s often overwhelming just keeping up with the latest terms. Technology doesn’t have to be scary, and, if used wisely, technology doesn’t have to be the cause of division among your family. Just as we guide our kids to quality literature and away from “twaddle” with books, so we can guide them to useful applications for technology. Learn tips and tricks for keeping up with the latest educational trends. Most importantly learn how to use technology to benefit your homeschool and family.

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Connected Teens, Connected Families

Parents and Teens learn together in this session. Leah will discuss the most popular social media platforms available for teens. She’ll cover basic social media principals for teens and their families as well as go over how to set up and use a variety of social media platforms. She’ll also cover safety issues. This is a fun and engaging session for the family!

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