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Marine Biology and What the Oceans Have to Say About Evolution

In 1984, the State Superintendent of Education told Zan Tyler that he could have her put in jail for homeschooling her son. Zan knew this was no idle threat. She shares some powerful lessons to you do not want to miss.

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Family of 4 walking together outside and holding hands

The Savior of Science

Myths- Evolution and man-created. The religious battle over truth is a huge struggle in our culture right now. Christians are told they can have their own opinion but they cannot deny the facts of evolution. Christians do not to feel like they need to avoid science, but they should know what is truth according to […]

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The Hunters and The Hunted

From transcripts and portfolios to the application process and everything in between, the earlier you have this information, the easier it will be sail through the hoops that’ll get your child into their college of choice.

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Science Confirms the Bible

World renowned speaker, Ken Ham, shares how you can be confident in the Bible and existence of God. While many people use science to prove evolution, Ken Ham will explain how science points humanity to God and His marvelous creation! Listen Now

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Grand Canyon, The Puzzle on the Plateau

Do your sweet little cherubs become demons when you turn your back? Perhaps your kids are monsters when your back isn’t even turned. Join Todd Friel to discuss: how I can make those little terrors behave better and how I can respond better when they don’t.

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Creation and the Last Days

A wonderful Biblical talk with Ken Ham discussing a Biblical worldview of Creation and the Last Days. In this session, you will hear Biblical truths supporting God as the Creator, the number of days of Creation, and a Biblical worldview of the last days. Listen Now

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Science for Moms Who Don’t Like Science

Science for Moms Who Don’t Like Science is a workshop packed with practical ideas and information to keep you from feeling like science is the subject that will sink your homeschool. Specific curriculum will be discussed so you’ll learn how to spot materials that will help you successfully teach a subject you don’t love.

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Marine Biology and What the Oceans Have to Say About Evolution

Nearly everyone enjoys learning about creatures that live in the ocean. The more we learn about the ocean and the organisms living in it, the more we begin to see that there are intricacies that do not fit with the theory of evolution. As we dive into this discussion, we will look at the physical features that clearly point to our Creator. Grab a notepad and come join us!

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Theme-Based Learning in the Early Years

Lapbooking: a Beginner’s Guide

Lapbooking! It’s the current rage! Many children learn subject matter best using their hands. A Journey Through Learning has lapbooks for all subjects, including Bible, history, science, and preschool. They also have lapbooks that supplement many popular homeschooling programs, such as Jeannie Fulbright/Apologia Science, TruthQuest History, Geography Matters, Maestro Classics, A History of Us, and more. Nancy Fileccia, co-owner of A Journey Through Learning, shows you not only how to make a lapbook, but also how lapbooking can spark laughter and a hunger for learning in your schooling. She will also show how to use lapbooks with an assortment of top homeschooling programs. (This was originally presented as a vendor workshop, but the principles and ideas are helpful no matter how you get your lapbooks!)

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Solving Your Science Struggles

Solving Your Science Struggles

Let’s face it—most people don’t like science. Why is that? It’s likely because of how science was taught to them as children. In this talk, which is based on years of research, data, and experience, Jeannie Fulbright shares her understanding of how science should be taught to elementary students. You will learn the keys to successfully building a solid foundation of science education with tips, ideas, and examples for making science come to life for both parents and students.

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Notebooking – Creativity with a Purpose

“Tell me, and I will forget; show me, and I may remember; involve me, and I will understand.” When children create something from their learning, they will remember what they learned far longer than if they completed a worksheet page about it. This workshop explains why and how to give kids an easy, effective approach that replaces workbooks, enhances learning and retention of the subject, and develops a true love for learning. Jeannie Fulbright shares tips and actual demonstrations for replacing workbook assignments with creative ideas for science, history, geography, literature, and more. Examples and visual aids make the information easy to understand and implement in your homeschool.

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How Henty Helps with History, Geography, Language, and Character

George Alfred Henty grew up in England during the reign of Queen Victoria, and was steeped in a Christian worldview from all parts of society.  He was Cambridge educated, a military officer, a fantastic storyteller, and a Christian.  Learn how to incorporate his 122 historically accurate novels into your homeschool curriculum, and learn history, Geography, Character, and proper English, just by reading or listening!

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Teaching Biblical Worldview to Ages 6-14

Are you intimidated by the idea of teaching biblical worldview at home? What is a worldview, anyway, and why should you teach worldview as part of your curriculum? And what is the best method for teaching a biblical worldview to elementary and junior high children? Establishing a clear, biblical worldview and a strong foundation in basic Christian doctrine will inoculate your children against the false teachings and worldly values they will one day encounter during the critical teen years. This workshop will give you the confidence and tools you need to cover this vital subject with your children.

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The 7 E’s For Choosing Curriculum

The 7 E’s For Choosing Curriculum

As an admitted curriculum junkie, Jeannie Fulbright bought everything that sounded good. From A Beka to Hillyer to e-books, she has tried every kind of curriculum and method available. Out of this experience, she has formulated 7 E’s to help her carefully choose curriculum that works for her family.

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