Sandusky 2021

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Resiliency Rescues: Helping Children Break Bad Habits

Speaker: Dr. Kathy Koch Do your children repeat unhealthy choices? Are they not changing their behaviors? Their mindset matters. How can we help them believe truth and change their mindset so their behaviors change? They need to develop resiliency – the choice and ability to make changes and to try something new. Learn how to […]

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Legislative Update

Speaker: Melanie Elsey Updates will be provided on current legislation (state and federal) and other policies that affect our families, including our capacity to home educate our children. Listen Now

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The Power of Words for Our Children: Edifying and Terrifying

Speaker: Sherri Seligson Our world is filled with words. Whether we are reading them, writing them, or instructing with them, they are our tools to build stories, create emotions, and make connections. Yet we need to be aware that words have the power to build up others as well as to tear them down, especially […]

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Creating A Grateful Home: Way Beyond Please and Thank You!

Speaker: David Nunnery Gratitude is so powerful in the heart of a believer. It will transform your home, your heart, and your mind. It will improve your platform for teaching, heal your marriage, and so much more. Listen Now

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Putting Your Husband in His Place (and Taking Yours)

Speaker: Debbie Gibson It’s not hard for a busy homeschool family to err in defining and executing Biblical spousal roles and responsibilities. Let’s sort these out! Listen Now

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Determining and Managing Priorities

Speaker: Jeff Reep This practical session will cover the importance of determining your priorities and then managing those priorities. We each have the same 168 hours per week. The question is how we are using this time. We’ll discuss some practical tips that could be helpful in maximizing the minutes of each day to accomplish […]

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Live to Love with Jesus: Experience Freedom and Joy in Parenting

Speaker: Norm Wakefield We all know we are supposed to love our spouses and our children, but that’s much easier said than done. Norm provides insight into the hindrances to the flow of love and the secret to loving with Jesus that results in freedom and joy. Listen Now

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The Highly Sensitive Homeshool Family

Speaker: Heather Underhill Those with a Highly Sensitive Personality trait view the world through different lenses. In a homeschooling family with one or more highly sensitive people, extra doses of grace and love must be extended daily. In this workshop, my teenage son, Noah and I will give you an overview of what it means […]

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Schedules…Helping Our Children to be Happy

Speaker: Monica Irvine Imagine your children waking up with an alarm clock, making their bed, completing their morning hygiene duties, saying their morning personal prayer, completing their morning chores without any verbal reminder from you? Imagine your family having the time for family devotion, family projects, family fun time, one-on-one time with each child, date […]

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8 Great Smarts: Discovering and Using Your Child’s Intelligences

Speaker: Dr. Kathy Koch All children have eight intelligences that can be awakened, strengthened, and used when learning anything. Each intelligence will be explained so you can determine which ones are strengths for your children and how to teach with them. You’ll also learn how children might be getting into trouble through their greatest strengths […]

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The Power of Humility in Parenting

Speaker: Norm Wakefield When parents display humility, their children are attracted not only to them, but to Christ. You’ll be encouraged as you see the power of humility in the lives of Jesus Christ and the Apostle Paul. You’ll learn how you can grow in humility and add tremendous value to your relationship with your […]

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Only You Can Do It! Becoming The Mom (or Dad) You Want Your Children To Have.

Speaker: Leslie Nunnery Whether by birth or by choice, you are called to love your children deeply and to teach them diligently—and that specific privilege of being their mom and dad is reserved for you alone! During this hour, we’ll explore how you can become the mom or dad you really want your children to […]

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Nature is the Best Science Classroom

Speaker: Sherri Seligson Have you ever taken a walk outside with a three-year-old? It can take forever as each leaf needs to be examined, acorns need to be gathered, and flowers need to be smelled. This is not just because your child is stalling before naptime. The outdoors is one of the best environments to […]

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Dual Enrollment: When, Where, Why and How?

Speaker: Shellie Doub There’s a national trend for students to take college classes while still in high school at increasingly younger ages. This presentation will provide an overview of how parents can know if their child is “college ready” and what students should consider before enrolling in a dual credit course. Listen Now

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Starting Out the Year Ahead

Speaker: Melissa Romero Planning your year in advance does not have to be a daunting task. Melissa will walk you through the step by step process of planning your whole homeschool year before it begins. She will share tips based on your personality type and give you ideas for establishing routines. You will be inspired […]

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From Boys to Men: The Goal is Not Well Behaved Children but Godly Adults

Speaker: Jeff Reep You will hear a Biblical perspective on parenting, firmly rooted in the belief that God gives instruction in Scripture and the Holy Spirit empowers parents by His grace to carry out the instructions. After raising 5 boys to men and investing 26 consecutive years of homeschooling, you’ll learn 2 keys for successful […]

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Created To Be

Speaker: Dr. Kathy Koch As Dr. Kathy shares her story, you’ll be able to see yours more clearly. Why were you created? What about your children? Who are they and who are they becoming? You and your children will be inspired by Chatty Kathy’s too-tall, spelling-is-challenging, low-voice reality and how it’s God’s perfect design for […]

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Six Critical Ways to Build Sibling Relationships

Speaker: Sherri Seligson One of the most challenging things about being a parent is to help our children build relationships with one another. We want our children to be close and grow up as friends, but those dreams can be hard to imagine amidst the toddler screaming “Mine! Mine!” and the continuous assertions of “Not […]

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Choosing a Major/College/Career: It’s Better to Get It Right Than Fast

Speaker: Jeff Reep In light of the fact that 66% of college students change their majors more than once and on the day of graduation 40% of college graduates wish they had a different major, it’s important to start early and take this decision seriously. Individuals often make decisions without much thought and with limited […]

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For The Heart of Your Homeschool

Speaker: Leslie Nunnery Homeschooling is a great thing. It provides the finest quality, tailored education your children can have, and it gives you the opportunity to build relationships, explore the world together, and so much more. But, homeschooling is not an end in itself. Rather, homeschooling is a fantastic tool for discipleship and growth. In […]

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Legislative Updates

Speaker: Melanie Elsey Updates will be provided on current legislation (state and federal) and other policies that affect our families, including our capacity to home educate our children. Listen Now

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Teaching Your Kids To Be Independent Learners

Speaker: Wendy Mae Daughter of the King…Wife…Mother…Daughter… and at times employee… Many roles pull at your time – but homeschooling has been driven by your conviction. Is there a method that our children can learn independently allowing us the ability to survive the demands that at times life may place on us? It sounds ideal […]

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How to Write and Publish A Book

Speaker: Cecelia Schmidt Please join Cecelia Schmidt, homeschool senior and published author of three books, as she discusses the process for writing and publishing. She will explore the critical topics of character and plot development, proper syntax and diction, along with the editing and publishing processes. She hopes to encourage aspiring authors to develop their […]

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