Sally Clarkson

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Building Mental Muscles: Strengthening Your Child’s Mind to Learn for God

As we raise children, Christian parents are teaching their children to not only heed to their voice but also the voice of God. As our children grow, they will move more and more into submitting to God’s authority. Training your children from an early age to be aware of the voices and to be aware […]

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My Mom Heart Matters

Your heart is what your children will be drawing from. Stand guard around your heart. This session will encourage your heart from many precious women. Motherhood can feel so lonely. How can you live in an idealistic life that follows Jesus and fills your heart! Surrounding your mom heart with community of like-minded believers. Listen […]

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I Take Hope: Moving Through Interest in Kids of All Ages

Speaker Sally Clarkson shares how to be intentional with your children. Finding the interests of your children and exposing them to different outlets to strengthen their interests and gifts. Listen Now

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My Mom Heart Matters: Reclaiming Motherhood, Shaping the Future

In a day when motherhood is no longer supported by culture, Christian moms with a biblical vision and calling need support and encouragement more than ever. Sally discusses not only the needs of mothers, but also the opportunity for ministry to moms.

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Building Mental Muscles: Strengthening Your Child’s Mind to Learn for God

Sally describes seven crucial mental “muscles” needed for learning that will give your child the mental strength to become a strong learner—habits, appetites, language, creativity, curiosity, reason, wisdom. As with Sally’s other sessions, this one is full of practical insights and personal anecdotes.

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Heartbeats of Discipleship: Shaping Your Child’s Heart to Live for God

Heartbeats of Discipleship: Shaping Your Child’s Heart to Live for God

Sally discusses the biblical commitments parents must make to reach and shape the hearts of their children for Christ—obedience, discipline, love, protection, and direction. This session is filled with insightful biblical instruction and real-life personal illustrations.

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