Rogers 2021

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Practical Apologetics

Speaker: Chuck Black The deception of the Enemy in our modern world seems overwhelming at times, especially for our young people. Is there scientific evidence for God? Does faith deny logic and reason? Chuck tackles these challenging questions and offers solid answers through practical apologetics. Equip your youth using the synergy between scripture, science, technology, […]

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Rediscovering Our Great Christian Heritage

Speaker: Darren A. Jones Many homeschooled students have detailed knowledge of the history of the United States, its Founding Fathers, and the Constitution’s principles. But do they know the history of the Church and Christianity? Rediscover 2,000 years of heritage and practice of the faith. Listen Now

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The Holocaust: What Teens and Tweens Should Know!

Speaker: Linda Lacour Hobar The history of the Holocaust is difficult to learn, difficult to grasp, and difficult to teach. But – to prevent it from happening again – it is history that demands our examination! Join Linda Lacour Hobar, author of The Mystery of History, for a pensive look at the Holocaust and what […]

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The Power of Humility in Parenting

Speaker: Norm Wakefield When parents display humility, their children are attracted not only to them, but to Christ. You’ll be encouraged as you see the power of humility in the lives of Jesus Christ and the Apostle Paul. You’ll learn how you can grow in humility and add tremendous value to your relationship with your […]

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Incredible Evidence of a Worldwide Flood

Speaker: Kevin Conover If there really was a Noah’s Flood what kind of evidence would we expect to find? Explore evidence from all over the world that the flood recorded in the Bible was a real historical event. From geological formations that could only have been formed by massive amounts of water, to marine fossil […]

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Focus Children’s Thinking to Increase Learning and Decrease Frustration

Speaker: Dr. Kathy Koch When children don’t focus or don’t know what to focus on they become frustrated and less motivated and so do you. Learn how to focus their thinking so they know what to think about, what to think with, and why. The practical and realistic planning model will increase learning and decrease […]

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Boy Parent, Hero Parent

Speaker: Hal and Melanie Young The Bible says that children are a gift from God – but why is parenting a boy such a challenge? They live in constant motion, unending distraction, noise without limit and curious to boot. Yet there’s a purpose behind the uproar, and if we seek out God’s aim for our […]

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How to Parent without Provoking Children to Anger

Speaker: Ginger Hubbard Does your child have a comeback for everything you tell him to do or always try and get the last word, even if it’s mumbled under his breath? Does he become mad and lose control when you discipline him rather than repenting? Or does he seem indifferent, giving the impression that discipline […]

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Getting Kids to Help at Home

Speaker: Vicki Bentley Training in Diligence and Thoroughness – You know you need to let the children be more involved in helping at home, for training them in character and in practical skills, AND for your sanity! But where do you begin? This foster mom to almost 50 children will share tips and practical helps […]

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Using Consequences Effectively

Speaker: Sonya Shafer We talk a lot about using consequences in habit-training and parenting, but what are they exactly and how are we supposed to use them? Join Sonya for a look at the natural consequences that Charlotte Mason mentioned, the principles behind them, and tips for using consequences effectively with your own children. Listen […]

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The Hunters and the Hunted

Speaker: Mike Snavely Using puppets and other visual illustrations, this session shows how life only displays design, order, and beauty – not lucky accident and chance. We cover three aspects of the natural world the evolutionist cannot explain – including amazing design, incredible instinct, and the general relative sizes of creatures compared to each other. […]

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Love What God Loves: Why Every Christ-Follower Should Stand for Life

Speaker: Heidi St. John “Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves; ensure justice for those being crushed.” Proverbs 31:8 NLT With perhaps the exception of homosexuality and gay marriage, no other issue stirs the heart people more than abortion. Abortion has become one of the most persistently debated topics in America. Few people […]

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Why you need to know history in a changing landscape of politics

Speaker: Marc Hays How do cultural norms change when its citizens forgot their culture’s history? When a nation’s people abandon their historical past, that nation begins to fall apart. However, not all hope is lost. By remembering history and resuming cultural norms forgotten to the past, there is always hope for a brighter future. Come […]

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Understanding the Phases of High School

Speaker: Matthew Bullington Want to know what your teen should be focusing on to prepare for college and a career? In this session we will break high-school down into four crucial phases that build on each other, and give you the tools to determine what should be the priority for this next year, how to […]

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Five to Thrive: Help Your Children Become Whole and Meet Their Core Needs

Speaker: Dr. Kathy Koch Children have five legitimate needs that drive their wants, choices, actions, and attitudes. (You have the same five needs.) When God meets their needs, children will be whole, emotionally well, content, and so much more. Learn how to parent so their needs are met in God and other healthy ways. You’ll […]

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Serving with Love and Loving To Serve

Speaker: Dennis Gundersen A child who learns to serve others with joy is sure to become the kind of husband or wife who brings genuine joy into their own family. The servant spirit, which Jesus said makes a person “the greatest of all”, is better caught than taught— that is, one must pick it up […]

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The Problem of Suffering

Speaker: Dr. Andrew Knight This topic we will discuss the problem of suffering and its origins will be considered. How suffering affects the believer and how suffering affects the skeptic will both be addressed. Listen Now

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What’s a Mom to Do with Sons?

Speaker: Norm Wakefield Blossoming young men can be very challenging to a mother. What’s a mom to do with her son’s seeming disrespect? How should she correct him? Does there come a time when a mom can no longer tell her son what to do? Wives have similar questions about relating to their husbands. What’s […]

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“I’d Love To Help, but how?” Dads and Homeschooling

Speaker: Darren A. Jones In many homeschooling families, Mom is the day-to-day teacher with input and support from Dad, but it doesn’t have to be that way—and it often isn’t. What happens when Dad is more involved or even the primary educator (and not just for the seriously cool science experiments)? Navigating play dates, setting […]

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A Crash Course from Creation to Christ

Speaker: Linda Lacour Hobar Planning to teach ancient history? Need help integrating the Bible? Listen to Linda Lacour Hobar, author of The Mystery of History, as she takes you from Creation to the birth of Christ in about an hour placing Biblical and secular history onto one amazing timeline. Like pieces of a mosaic, watch […]

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The Fight for Faith and Family in a New Age

Speaker: Heidi St. John When you became a parent, you enlisted in a spiritual army. You engaged in an epic battle between good and evil. Join Heidi for an hour that will change the way you see your role in it and equip you for the battles yet to come. Listen Now

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A Step-By-Step Plan for Creating Educational Vacations that Your Kids Don’t Hate or Forget

Speaker: Hector Olguin Want to bring your homeschooling alive by experiencing what you’re learning? But you’re worried the trip will be a waste of time and money because your kids won’t remember it like you want them to! Totally get it! After many years of traveling to foreign countries and around the United States, my […]

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