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Round Rock, TX Audio Collection

How to Foster Responsibility in Your Homeschool

Speaker: Kim Sorgius You can’t do everything, but that’s a good thing because responsibility is one of the most important skills kids can learn. In this session, we will explore practical ways to get your kids to take ownership and how to make sure nothing falls through the cracks in the process. Listen Now

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Dollars & Sense

Speaker: Charla McKinley Our children will spend less than a quarter of their lives in our homes. As parents we have a narrow window to prepare them for the road ahead. We spend years teaching our children how to read, write and do mathematics, but how much time do we spend teaching them about money? […]

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Raising An Independent Learner

Do you want a lifelong learner who initiates studies on his own? Then let go of the wheel, and start giving your kids responsibility for their education. Deb Bell shares practical, inexpensive steps that will encourage children to pursue their own learning and help prevent parent burnout.

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