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Real Moms– Homeschool Rest, Featuring Renita Bentz-Miller

Sure, we are all familiar with the verse “come to me all who are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.”. Yes, this is certainly true. Yet, I find it hard to put it into daily practice in my homeschooling endeavors, especially in this busy season of homeschooling highschoolers.What are the things that are […]

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Finding Balance in Your Homeschooling Journey

Speaker: Sharon Fisher & Eujeana Chism God has given us many relationships and responsibilities and keeping them in balance is tricky while we homeschool. We need His grace and some good planning to help guide us as we educate our children. We will discuss prioritizing relationships and responsibilities, home management, grocery shopping and meal prep, […]

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Finding Balance in Your Homeschooling Journey

Speaker: Eujeana Chism God has given us many relationships and responsibilities and keeping them in balance is tricky while we homeschool. We need His grace and some good planning to help guide us as we educate our children. We will discuss prioritizing relationships and responsibilities, home management, grocery shopping and meal prep, organization and homeschooling. […]

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Rethink Chores and Responsibilities

As parents, we all want to instill a sense of responsibility into our children, but how we go about that varies as our children grow and mature. This week, we’ll take a look at our family’s Daily Five to see how this system has helped us stay on top of chores at our house and helped teach the children to be responsible along the way.

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