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The Most Powerful Words a Dad Can Say

Knowing these words and believing them equips men to be courageous, effective, and God-like. Every man who has believed these words have become powerful channels in God’s hands.

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Rethink Your Influence– An Interview WIth Lisa Schmidt

God’s Word commands us to be involved in the lives of those He puts in our paths. He talks very clearly about the older women investing in and mentoring the younger women. This week, let’s look together at these Titus 2 relationships and talk very practically about how they start and why they’re so important […]

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Rethink Your Coordination– An Interview with Steve Blackston

Thank the Lord, most of us don’t go at this “homeschool thing” alone. We have others that are locking arms with us to support and encourage us in our journey. This week, we will be talking with Steve Blackston specifically about our coordination with our spouse. How can we as a couple most effectively work […]

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Romance for the Exhausted

In the flurry of work, homeschooling, church, and extracurricular activities, things like romance and physical affection can sometimes seem like unattainable dreams. Where can you find the energy for romance? How can you revive your marriage and enjoy your relationship more every year? Hal and Melanie Young have been married for 30 years and homeschooling their eight kids for 26 – so they know the struggle is real! (For married or engaged couples, and nursing babies only!)

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Christian Courtship in the Real World

Hear the testimony of the Forster family and their experience with courtship. Learn why courtship might be the path for your family to follow. Learn what could go wrong with courtship and how to avoid those mistakes. Listen Now

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Don’t Miss the Gift in Your Child

Have you ever heard someone say, “All children are gifts from God,” only to roll your eyes and thing, “Ha! They don’t know what goes on in my house!” If you don’t look for God’s gifts, you may be missing some of His best. Come laugh and be encouraged to see just what God had in mind when He designed your child. Learn how to see your child through God’s spectacles and stay focused on God’s vision of your child, not the world’s.

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Don’t Let Home Education Destroy Your Marriage!

One of the hardest things about teaching writing is how to grade it. Do you give students points for completing various steps of the writing proess? Do they know clearly what you expect at every step?

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Let Go: Resolving Conflicts and Restoring Relationships

The goal is to challenge families to go on mission in their cities, to help families see that they are missionaries in their context, and to teach their children from a young age that they are missionaries.

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How to Teach Your Children to be Independent Learners

Is there really a benefit in teaching our children to learn independently? Come see how this one skill builds successful learners, decreases mommy-burn-out, and brings peace into your home once again. This is a practical workshop. You will leave with a vision for how to encourage independent learning in your home, as well as, several free printables to help manage your day.

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Joy in the Home: Marriage

Matrimony is hard, even for Christians.  Put two sinners under one roof, and you are bound to have fireworks.  How can a Christian couple love one another in such a way that fighting, heartache, and pain are minimized, while joy, laughter, and love are multiplied? The Bible has the answer.  If your marriage is strong, it can be more profound.  If your marriage is hurting, there is hope and healing.  This is not a “how to” marriage lecture; this a Gospel-centered application to the most important earthly relationship you have.  And it works.

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Engaging Others In Your Homeschool

Engaging Others In Your Homeschool

This time of year lends itself in big ways to engaging others in your homeschool. Whether these individuals have been very supportive, lukewarm, or downright hostile to the path God has called you to walk, finding meaningful and creative ways to engage them in what you are doing is a great way to make them more excited about your homeschool efforts.

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