Rachel Carman

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Rachael Carman TTD Family Reading Time

One of the huge advantages of homeschooling is reading so many books, classics, biographies, histories and many others snuggled together on the sofa. Exploring other cultures, perspectives and experiences in the security of our families is one of the under-rated, best kept secrets of home schooling’s success. Why should you read aloud as a family? […]

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An Evening of Real Refreshment for Moms presented by Apologia

As homeschool moms, we are always on call, aren’t we? We are privileged to meet the needs of daddy and children and to be the glue that holds our families together. At Teach Them Diligently, we want to offer YOU a night of refreshment, so we’ve teamed up with our dear friend Rachael Carman to bring you a night to remember!

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