Rachael Carman

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Evening of Real Refreshment — Mom’s Night

Speaker: Rachael Carman This evening is for MOMS ONLY! Dads will need to plan to get the children in bed, so mom can enjoy a night of fellowship and encouragement! (You will be REALLY glad you did!!) Listen Now

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Perspective is Everything

Speaker: Rachael Carman As you consider how to go forward in your homeschooling journey, where are you standing? Are you on the field or in the stands or in the blimp? It matters. What is obstructing your view? Who’s on your team? Where is the finish line? How can you best proceed? Why are you […]

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Attention Obsessive-Compulsive, Perfectionist, Control-Freaks: CHILL OUT

Speaker: Rachael Carman As an obsessive-compulsive-perfectionist-control-freak herself, Rachael discusses how in many instances she is her own worst enemy when it comes to taking advantage of freedoms of home school. Are you tied to your plan? Do you shiver at the idea of change or adjustment? Are you missing out on significant moments because you […]

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Homeschooling Isn’t The Answer

Speaker: Rachael Carman Bummer isn’t it. Wouldn’t it be nice if homeschooling was the answer? I mean, wouldn’t it be nice if all of the problems in our families could be solved with good family time and great curriculum? Wouldn’t it be great if all we had to do was adopt a certain daily schedule, […]

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Round Rock, TX Audio Collection

Attention Obsessive-Compulsive, Perfectionist, Control-Freaks: CHILL OUT

Speaker: Rachael Carman As an obsessive-compulsive-perfectionist-control-freak herself, Rachael discusses how in many instances she is her own worst enemy when it comes to taking advantage of freedoms of home school. Are you tied to your plan? Do you shiver at the idea of change or adjustment? Are you missing out on significant moments because you […]

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Round Rock, TX Audio Collection

Evening of Real Refreshment

Speaker: Rachael Carman This evening is for MOMS ONLY! Dads will need to plan to get the children in bed, so mom can enjoy a night of fellowship and encouragement! (You will be REALLY glad you did!!) Listen Now

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Round Rock, TX Audio Collection

Deuteronomy 6 Revisited

Speaker: Rachael Carman This passage is often used and the proof text for the homeschooling mandate. There are other verses that reinforce the importance of the family as the primary context for discipleship, but this one is the standard. Let’s take some time to look at it again, afresh and anew. We’re admonished in this […]

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Round Rock, TX Audio Collection

How to Homeschool With Confidence

Speaker: Leslie Nunnery, Rachael Carman Veteran homeschool moms of many will share with you some actionable strategies to start homeschooling well and to keep your homeschool efforts on track as you move forward. This session will cover everything from why you should homeschool to how to choose curriculum, what a typical day can look like […]

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Round Rock, TX Audio Collection

Perspective is Everything

Speaker: Rachael Carman As you consider how to go forward in your homeschooling journey, where are you standing? Are you on the field or in the stands or in the blimp? It matters. What is obstructing your view? Who’s on your team? Where is the finish line? How can you best proceed? Why are you […]

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How To Homeschool With Stunning Confidence, Contagious Joy, and Amazing Focus

This session provides a very practical look at how homeschooling can be a great blessing for your family– and how you as a homeschool mom can truly grow through the process. We’ll get an overview of home education from the start of your journey to the finish line, so you’ll feel better prepared for every step of the way. This time will be followed by a time of questions from the audience.

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Attention CHILL OUT

Speaker: Rachael Carman Veteran 22 years of homeschooling mom, Rachel, encourages mom to stay the course and finish strong! You do not have to give up from burn out! Learn how to not do it all and not buy into the lies that you cannot do this homeschool life! Tears should not accompany your phonics […]

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An Evening of Real Refreshment for Moms presented by Apologia

As homeschool moms, we are always on call, aren’t we? We are privileged to meet the needs of daddy and children and to be the glue that holds our families together. At Teach Them Diligently, we want to offer YOU a night of refreshment, so we’ve teamed up with our dear friend Rachael Carman to bring you a night to remember!

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5 Things You May Not Know You Need to Know Before Choosing Curriculum

What goes through your mind when you step into an exhibit hall full of hundreds of curriculum choices? Maybe a bit of doubt and more than a few questions? It can be overwhelming, for sure. Have no fear! Veteran homeschool mom, Rachael Carman, has been there and she has the 5 Things You Need to Know (That You May Not Know You Need to Know) When Choosing Curriculum. Be inspired to choose with confidence as Rachael imparts her wisdom, earned over her more than 20 years as a homeschooling mom.

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How To Homeschool With Stunning Confidence, Contagious Joy, and Amazing Focus

This session provides a very practical look at how homeschooling can be a great blessing for your family– and how you as a homeschool mom can truly grow through the process. We’ll get an overview of home education from the start of your journey to the finish line, so you’ll feel better prepared for every step of the way. This time will be followed by a time of questions from the audience.

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How to Have a HEART for your Kids

God changes parents as well through homeschooling. This session will encourage you as a parent to walk with God and direct your children to have a heart for God as well. Listen Now

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How to Have a HEART for your Kids

What do you do when you realize you do not have a heart for your kid and your heart is toward outsourcing your kids to other people? You can change this and have a heart for your kids!! Many moms think they love their kids but they don’t have a heart for their kids. Listen […]

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Seven Simple Steps to Sanity

People may tell you that you are “insane” for homeschooling your kids! This session will inspire in your journey to homeschool to remain sane despite all the crazy and hard curve balls that can be thrown at you! Rachael Carman shares how God worked in her life to teach her what is most important in […]

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Stand By Your Man

What does it look like to be a homeschool wife? Do you remember your wedding day? Do you remember dating? Be encouraged and reminded of what it was like before the busyness of homeschool and children. Listen Now

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