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The Battle for Our Sons

Speaker: Hal and Melanie Young How do you teach a young man to keep his way pure when the red-light district is riding around in his shirt pocket – or his friend’s? How can you help a boy think about the future when all he wants to do is game all day? Media addiction and […]

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Shining Armor:Your Son’s Battle for Purity

It comes as a surprise, but the years from 9 to 12 can be some of the most challenging of all. Long before peach fuzz or body changes, you have to cope with outbursts of anger and the ???nobody loves me’ blues, but somebody’s got to be the adult around here. Learn how to survive, and make the teen years great!

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Shining Armor: Your Son’s Battle for Purity

In a time when over 90% of boys have been exposed to pornography before they leave home, how can we teach them to keep their way pure? How can we help them walk in innocence when temptation lurks on a friend’s phone and beckons just a click away? Hal and Melanie offer frank and practical advice for teaching sons from toddlers to adulthood about God’s gift and Satan’s traps in the realm of sexuality. (Material is appropriate for ages 12 and up – parent discretion suggested!)

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Raising G Rated Sons in a R Rated World

Raising children in an anti-God culture can bring many challenges. This encouraging talk will help parents navigate the waters of raising children in a world that mocks a Christian worldview. Listen Now

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Shining Armor: Your Son’s Battle for Purity

In a time when over 90% of boys have been exposed to pornography before they leave home, how can we teach them to keep their way pure? How can we help them walk in innocence when temptation lurks on a friend’s phone and beckons just a click away? Hal and Melanie offer frank and practical advice for teaching sons from toddlers to adulthood about God’s gift and Satan’s traps in the realm of sexuality. (Material is appropriate for ages 12 and up – parent discretion suggested!)

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Shining Armor

Most purity resources these days focus on girls, but purity tends to be a much bigger problem for young men, and many seem hopelessly naïve about the battles our sons are facing. How can you teach your boys to guard their hearts and keep them pure? How can you help them to fight temptation in a world full of inappropriate images? How can you help them make the transition from “It’s not time to think about that…” to finding a wife? Come hear the parents of six sons give you frank, practical advice on raising your son to be a virtuous knight.

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