The Making of an Author
This is a special 2 hour session Speaker Chuck Black; Bryan Davis; Sarah Reid Listen Now
This is a special 2 hour session Speaker Chuck Black; Bryan Davis; Sarah Reid Listen Now
This is a special 2 hour session Speaker Chuck Black; Bryan Davis; Sarah Reid Listen Now
How do you explain war in the Middle East to teens and tweens? What resources do you have for making sense of the headlines? How do you point students toward a biblical worldview of current events? Opinions will vary on the status of the Middle East and the proper response to it. But you can […]
This session provides a biblical alternative to the standard explanation for these creatures, and answers Speaker Mike Snavely Listen Now
So you’ve got a box full of unused planners and half-erased lesson plan books. Trust me, you’re not alone! From curriculum to the daily schedule, there is a simple way to plan your whole school year in just ONE week. Reclaim your Sunday nights and your sanity by joining veteran homeschool mom, Kim Sorgius, for […]
It’s never been more challenging to protect our kids online. With screens everywhere, what’s a parent to do? This session will help you understand the risks of exposure to pornography, predators, and other identity-shaping forces that can hurt your kids. You’ll see how traditional parental controls can fail, then learn the latest science and scripture-informed […]
The Power of Doing is tailored for those eager to boost their health, unleash creativity, and set up successful family routines. This workshop focuses on cultivating a culture of ‘follow-through’ in every family aspect. You’ll learn strategies for building enduring success habits, improving time management, and effective goal setting for both personal and family accomplishments. […]
Ever pondered the profound impact stories have on our lives? Consider Jesus’s timeless parables — narratives told centuries ago yet still shaping us and guiding our actions today. Sometimes, we just need to be told a story. In this engaging and kid-friendly workshop, award-winning young adult author CJ Milacci invites parents to recognize the power […]
Ladies, your story has power! Please don’t keep it bottled up! Stop listening to the enemy’s lies and share your story with others. Learn how spending daily time with God will grow your testimony and how to use it as a weapon for God’s Kingdom. This session includes practical application tips for building and sharing […]
Most of us have words we struggle to spell. And we’ve all had our less-than-perfect spelling on display. Spelling is crucial, but our spelling lists aren’t working. So what else is there? Research reveals how we really learn to spell, what makes spelling stick, and how we should engage in meaningful practice. Grow this essential […]
Dads and moms, in all the busyness of life and swell of expert advice, we’ve forgotten the fundamental truths of homeschooling and family. In short, we’ve forgotten why we do what we do. We have plenty of “how tos” but have forgotten the “why tos” and it evidences itself in our lack of joy of […]
Speaker Catherine Zoller Listen Now
Many available curricula teach students what to learn, but not HOW to learn. Rote memorization, lack of focus, and general disinterest bring stress and anxiety to the homeschool experience. Speaker Sarah Reid Listen Now
Shaped by our personality types, grades have the power to motivate some and the propensity to destroy others! So, how do you decide when to grade or not to grade? Join Linda Lacour Hobar, author of The Mystery of History, and a veteran homeschool mom, for varying theories on grade keeping, tips for grading numerous […]
Are your children bored to tears with worksheets and flashcards? Do they run and hide when it’s time for math lessons? When they see a word problem, do they give you the “deer in the headlights” look? Come and recalculate your math experience! Learn the five most common mistakes when teaching math and bring back […]
Train up a child in the way he should go, even when he is old he will not depart from it” (Prov. 22:6) has often been misunderstood as assuring parents of prodigals that they will return to the Lord. However, the verse is more properly translated, “Train….according to their bent, or in keeping with their […]
Often parents who are considering homeschooling are hesitant because they think that home-educating their children will take 7 hours a day, but that simply isn’t the case. In this workshop, Durenda shares the reasons why home education doesn’t have to be an all-day event! This session is loaded with encouragement for parents and will help them begin […]
Artistic children are often misunderstood by their parents. This causes stress to both the child and the parent. Often a parent doesn’t know how to relate to them. Instead of blooming their child, they are discouraging them. Because Sharon Hofer is an artist herself, she understands the ups and downs of her personality. More than […]
Using puppets and other visual illustrations, this session shows how life only displays design, order, and beauty – not lucky accident and chance. We cover three aspects of the natural world the evolutionist cannot explain – including amazing design, incredible instinct, and the general relative sizes of creatures compared to each other. This is a […]
Do your homeschool days feel like an endless exercise in treading water? Is there constant animosity between you and Monday morning? Do you feel like a hamster on a wheel, running at full speed, but getting nowhere fast? Perhaps you need to re-order your days so that your school schedule works for your home, and […]
While most people’s negative reaction to spiders is understandable, those willing to suspend their disgust long enough for a closer look will discover a hidden world of incredible design! Not only do spiders benefit us by consuming massive quantities of insect pests, they do so using ingenious tactics. Some hunt and pounce, others build traps […]
If your homeschool days are stressful, hectic, and you feel like you’re tied to an impossible curriculum checklist, please come to this session for encouragement. Brenda Scott is an adoptive mom, has been a foster mom, and has homeschooled for twenty years. She’s faced a lot of challenges in achieving a peaceful homeschool environment over […]
The idea of homeschooling a child with special needs or learning struggles may seem overwhelming, but there is freedom when you understand that the requirements and red tape in the school systems do not apply to you. Not only can you provide consistent instruction using strategies that work for your child, but you can tailor […]
Are you ever embarrassed or shocked by what comes out of your child’s mouth? Based on her newest book, I Can’t Believe You Just Said That, Ginger provides a practical, three-step plan to reach beyond the behaviors of tongue-related struggles—such as lying, defying, and manipulating—to address your child’s heart. After all, as Matthew 12:34 tells […]
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