Norm Wakefield

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Fathers Impart Identity

Norm shares four identity principles that explain how our lives are shaped and defined. A dad that understands these principles is equipped to anchor their children to withstand the onslaught of the world. These four identity principles will explain your own life and what defines you and give you insight into how to lead your children to discover their own identity in Christ.

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The Calling Out of Sons

You’ll learn what happens if fathers don’t call out sons and gain insights from the life of Jesus in how to prepare your sons for manhood. Men who haven’t been called out, will still be boys even though they may be 40 years old. There is tremendous hope when we realize how God calls out His sons to be with Him.

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How to Lead Your Homeschool Family with Vision

From the resource, Equipping Men, Norm Wakefield speaks to men about their identity of leading their families to Jesus. Fathers and Husbands have an irreplaceable role to lead their families and be the head of the family in which to lead. Listen Now

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Teaching Your Children How to Love

The way you children will know that you do have a personal relationship with God and that you are not just religious is how you love them and others. Love is the outward evidence of your relationship with God. Listen Now

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Anchored in Christ in Homeschooling Storms

Are our relationships glorifying to God or do they draw our hearts away from faithful obedience to the Lord and His Word? In this session Megan will encourage women to use their relationships to encourage, edify, and exhort one another. This session will challenge women to examine their friendships and to structure Christ-centered, God honoring, faith deepening relationships.

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Building a Foundation of Faith

It’s not that parents can produce faith in their children, that is God’s responsibility. As parents, we can lay the foundation that introduce them to the great works of God. Learn about the intersection of life and the Gospel. Listen Now

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Homeschooling with Confidence: Understanding Your State’s Homeschool Law

This session covers everything you need to know about your state’s homeschool law so you can homeschool with confidence. It includes a thorough presentation of the basics with plenty of time for questions.

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What’s a Mom to Do With Sons

What is a mother’s role with her son when he reaches the teenage years? When your son begins to identify with their father and how your role as a mother will change as your son grows up. Listen Now

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Teaching Your Children How To Love

We all know we are supposed to love, but actually knowing how to love and how to avoid the hindrances to loving with God’s kind of love is the real need. In this session, Norm will give very practical insights into how to live to love. These insights will not only be life-changing for you in your marriage relationship but also equip you to teach your children how to love God, you, and others.

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