Nephi Zufelt

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Finding True Wealth in Our Relationships, Health, Personal Well-Being, and Finances

Speaker: Nephi Zufelt Many young people dream of being rich and wealthy when they grow up. In a society of instant gratification and indulgence, our young people are falling prey to the corruptive power of money and greed. Get-rich schemes are growing exponentially. In this class we will dive into the underlying principles of happiness […]

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Being Creators in a Consumption World

Speaker: Nephi Zufelt We live in a world of consumption where it is commonplace to sit and consume hours and hours of content (Netflix, video games, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, etc.) every single day. As a society, we are losing our ability to create and produce because of our tendency to consume. This class is not […]

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Finding True Wealth in Our Relationships, Health, Personal Well-Being, and Finances

Speaker: Nephi Zufelt Many young people dream of being rich and wealthy when they grow up. In a society of instant gratification and indulgence, our young people are falling prey to the corruptive power of money and greed. Get-rich schemes are growing exponentially. In this class we will dive into the underlying principles of happiness […]

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