nashville 2021

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Five Best Ways to Prepare Your Student for College and Career

Speaker: Dr. Tim Rees Practical advice from a college enrollment professional and former homeschool dad. Parents and students have questions about preparing for post-homeschool and this session will provide steps that can prove useful in that endeavor. Listen Now

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Parents, YOUR Worldview is Vital – Your Kids are Watching!

Speaker: Roger Wheelock The church in America is being pummeled today because Christians have not been taught to battle the ideas that come against the knowledge of God (2 Cor. 10:4-5). In support of that statement, consider these facts: 1. The church is not only NOT taking ground back from the enemy in the culture […]

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History Through Books and Movies

Speaker: Samantha Shank “Textbooks made me fall in love with history!” said no one ever. Homeschool graduate and history nerd Samantha Shank shares the unique ways that you can incorporate books and movies into your history lessons. Learn about the impact powerful stories can make, how to adapt a movie for multiple age ranges, and […]

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I’m Not Patient Enough to Homeschool

Speaker: Aimee Smith “You must have your hands full.” “I could never do that.” “I’m not patient enough to homeschool.” These common responses to homeschool moms reveal a myth that patience is a prerequisite qualification to choose home education. Thankfully, perfect patience is not required. Frustration, impatience, and even anger are common among moms who […]

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Reading, Writing, Arithmetic, and the Constitution

Speaker: Paul Engel We’ve all heard the song “School Days”, where we learned about the three “R’s”. As Santayana said “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” With most current textbooks teaching very little about our founding documents, we risk more than just repeating history, we risk loosing the knowledge of […]

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Relax Your Homeschool for Academic Success

Speaker: Hal and Melanie Young Is it possible to have well-educated kids without drowning in a sea of drudgery? All five of Hal & Melanie’s homeschool graduates were offered academic scholarships to great colleges, even though they’ve been very relaxed homeschoolers – once Melanie got her feet underneath her! Learn the difference between learning and […]

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The Impossible Is God’s Comfort Zone

Speaker: Kate Battistelli Deep down you know you’re on this planet for a reason. God has a plan in mind just for you. In fact, He chose you for it before the foundation of the world. Is God daring you to hold on to that dream you barely recall? Or step out in faith to […]

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How to Take Amazing Pictures with Any Camera!

Speaker: James Staddon Just because you don’t have a fancy camera doesn’t mean you can’t take amazing pictures! It’s how the photographer thinks—regardless of what camera he’s using—that determines how a picture turns out. Learn from the professionals and soak in a host of simple photography tricks anyone can apply with any camera. Know what […]

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Bringing Back Family Time & Biblical Family Devotions

Speaker: Glenn Ransom Want to bring your family together? Desire to help your family grow a relationship with God? Get caught up in not having enough time, struggling to understand things or cannot find what you’re looking for? This session shows you a tool to overcome these and discover the benefits of family devotions. Listen […]

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Calming Angry and Anxious Kids

Speaker: Tricia Goyer You don’t know how to control your child’s anger, anxiety and strong-will. You feel hopeless, fearful of your child’s future, and angry yourself. Tricia shares her own deeply personal experiences of trying to help her challenging kids. She shares her honest feelings and things she’s learned to help you help your child. […]

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Aunt Lucy?

Speaker: Mike Snavely What evidence is there that humans evolved from ape-like creatures? As it turns out, not much! In fact, the “evidence” is stunningly sparse, being limited to a few fossilized bones. However, many of these are either fakes, or greatly misinterpreted and exaggerated. This session uses humor as it exposes much of this. […]

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Create a Language Immersion Homeschool—Even if You Only Know English!

Speaker: Hector Olguin Want a foreign language to be a part of your homeschool? But your family is either stuck learning vocab words instead of immersing yourself in the language by talking in it together or the whole idea of learning a foreign language is super overwhelming? I grew up monolingual and learned to conjugate […]

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Five Simple Questions for Parents to Engage Popular Culture

Speaker: Dr. Jarod Moore Even if Christian parents get the point of popular culture, how do we apply this truth in our families? How can we find the graces and idols in the stories and songs our kids love? Dr. Jared Moore, coauthor of The Pop Culture Parent (with Ted Turnau and E. Stephen Burnett) […]

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How to Cut Your Grocery Spending & Grocery Budget Formula Workshop

Speaker: Erin Chase In this interactive workshop, we’ll look at the 5 most common grocery shopping mistakes that result in overspending and that terrible feeling that you’re flushing money away each week. We will also work through my “grocery budget formula” to determine how much you should be spending. Then, we’ll talk about what you […]

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Learning the Language of the Universe: How to Study Math

Speaker: Dr. Melissa Gardenghi Most students have the following strategy for studying math: review the lesson, look over the examples worked in the text, do homework problems. Repeat for several lessons, maybe try some sort of chapter review/chapter test, take a take a test. Students who understand math intuitively tend to do okay on the […]

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Responding Biblically to Anger

Speaker: Lisa Schmidt Anger is a God given emotion that we all experience from time to time. The problem is that our human natures have the tendency to be angry in a sinful way. Anger may characterize how we respond to certain triggers, but anger itself doesn’t control us, the evil desires within us do. […]

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Mom to Mom Podcast Q & A Panel: All the Pieces

Speaker: Jamie Erickson, Kate Battistelli, September McCarthy There’s no better mom for your homeschool than you! But let’s be honest, it’s not always easy trying to combine home and school. The pieces don’t always fit very well and we need a little direction. We get it. We’re three generations of moms, co-hosts of the popular […]

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The First 10+ Years with a Family Who Never Planned to Homeschool

Speaker: Carisa Hinson On the fence about homeschooling? Not sure if you can or want to do it? See a very personal look at the family behind the 1+1+1=1 blog, who never planned to homeschool. See what their first 10+ years looked like, with many personal details — the struggles, the tears, the successes. Listen […]

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The Amazing Scientific Accuracy of the Bible

Speaker: Kevin Conover According to recent research, 72% of Generation Z, those born between 2000-2015, don’t believe that church teachings and science are compatible. This session will cover 7 amazing scientific facts recorded in the Bible thousands of years before modern science discovered them, demonstrating that the God of the Bible is the God of […]

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The Gift

Speaker: Todd Wilson Like you, when we began our homeschooling journey we asked ourselves, “Will we be able to teach them all they need to know for success?” There were so many options and subjects to teach them. They were loaned to us to us knowing almost NOTHING and we were expected to fill up […]

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God’s Got This: His Grace in the Midst of Homeschooling

Speaker: Kayla Jarmon When all seems chaotic and life throws curve balls, where do you turn? Are you overwhelmed? Does your journey seem daunting? Kayla will share from her journey to encourage you to abide in Christ as he leads you each day. Listen Now

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Using Consequences Effectively

Speaker: Sonya Shafer We talk a lot about using consequences in habit-training and parenting, but what are they exactly and how are we supposed to use them? Join Sonya for a look at the natural consequences that Charlotte Mason mentioned, the principles behind them, and tips for using consequences effectively with your own children. Listen […]

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Do You Need to Worry about CPS in 2021?

Speaker: Bradley Pierce Getting falsely reported happens and it’s a horrible experience. 80% of child abuse and neglect investigations are unfounded, but 100% of them are traumatic. In this talk, Bradley will draw from over 13 years of his experiences defending parents falsely accused of child abuse and neglect to teach you how to help […]

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