Nancy Campbell

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The Four Watches of Mothering – First, Second, Third, and Fourth

Speaker: Nancy Campbell There are four watches (or seasons) of mothering. Find out what they are and how to be faithful and watching in each stage of motherhood. We must not give up until we get to the end! Listen Now

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Create a Healing Home

Speaker: Nancy Campbell One of the words for family in the Bible is “therapeia” which means “therapeutic care, healing.” Learn how to create a home that is healing to body, soul, and spirit. Listen Now

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The Family Altar

Hear the importance of getting the Word of God into our children’s hearts. This session shares the beauty of the family altar and instilling the truth into your children and family. God has put an anointing on every mother to teach their children, you are the greatest teacher for your children. Listen Now

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Creating the Right Environment to Teach Your Children

How do we as mothers create a home and environment that leads to inspiration and creativity in our children? This session will inspire you as you seek to create a beautiful place and beautiful memories with your children. Listen Now

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