mystery of history

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Modern History That Shook the World!

Want to better understand the headlines? Planning to teach modern history? Then you need “Modern History That Shook the World!” Join Linda Lacour Hobar, author of the award-winning series, The Mystery of History, as she recounts world-shaking events from the 20th century to present day from a biblical worldview. With vivid snapshots of the Cold War, the Formation of Israel, the War in Korea, the Collapse of the Soviet Union, and more, students and teachers will not only see the past more clearly, but be better prepared for the future!

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Crash Course in American History

Parents, has it been awhile since you studied American history? Do you need a refresher course to teach this subject with confidence? If so, join Linda Lacour Hobar, the author of The Mystery of History, for an insightful and inspiring “Crash Course in American History.”? Offered in two sessions this weekend, Part II will complete the Civil War and cover Chief Joseph, Pearl Harbor, Bay of Pigs, Dr. King, Watergate, and more – taking you up to today’s War on Terror. (If you missed Part I, come anyway! Both sessions will be recorded and available for purchase.) Students of all ages are welcome!

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To Grade or Not to Grade

Shaped by our personality types, grades have the power to motivate some and the propensity to destroy others! So, how do you decide when to grade or not to grade? Join Linda Lacour Hobar, author of The Mystery of History and veteran homeschool mom, for varying theories on grade keeping, tips for grading numerous subjects, and practical ideas for managing the grades you choose to keep. With Linda’s real life? examples from the work of her own children, this session is designed to encourage both new and experienced homeschool teachers. Students are welcome to join.

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The DARK SIDE of History

Does the dark side of history get you down? Are you unsettled by the morbid details? Fear not! The gloom and doom of world history can be a valuable and effective tool for teaching life lessons and reaching the hearts of your students with the Gospel. Please join Linda Lacour Hobar, author of the award-winning series, The Mystery of History, for a pensive and inspirational look at how and why to embrace the dark side of history! (Students age 10 and up are welcome!)

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