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Changed Lives

Every year, through the Operation Christmas Child project of Samaritan’s Purse, churches and individuals pack

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The Power of a Story to Change Lives

Speaker: Janet Benge This presentation explores why humans have always told stories, and how they shape our lives. The nonfiction Heroes Series of books written by Janet and Geoff Benge have sold millions of copies and have been translated into over 22 languages. Their books are widely distributed to libraries in state and federal prisons […]

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Kindling A Passion For Missions in a Child

Speaker: Dennis Gundersen Dennis has led over a dozen short- term missions trips into Mexico and other nations, showing how to minister cross-culturally and even communicate in significant ways with people whose language you do not and cannot speak. Should your children or your family go on such a trip? How can you prepare them? […]

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Daring Daughters: World Missions For Young Women

A well-ordered approach to history and literature allows students to follow history as it happened: In order, from ancient times through the present. A classical approach produces a well-rounded student who knows the stories from all of history??? whether ancient or modern, Biblical or secular??? that every educated person should know.

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Mission- Minded Families

Award-winning author and Kidzmet.com Founder Jen Lilienstein digs into how to put Multiple Intelligence theory into practice in your homeschool including: ???How MI theory differs from the common view of intelligence. ???What MI theory suggests for our understanding of and interactions with the children in our lives. ???How multiple intelligences can be used as a lens to know children, their strengths, interests, and preferences, and how that information can be used to benefit the child and family.

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