Top 10 Homeschooling Middle School Spelling and Vocabulary Curriculum Choices
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*This page may contain affiliate links. For more information please see our disclosure page/privacy statement
Once upon a time our homeschool looked very different than it does now. But today’s version of amazing was created through the relationships we built during those younger years.
Too many students graduate from high school with no idea what career they should pursue. Homeschool mother and author, Carol Topp, will offer steps, resources, and her experiences in helping students pursue a career path unique for them.
The secret to success in Homeschooling is theres no secret! The elements of success in Homeschooling match those in discipleship, marriage, parenting, entrepreneurship and gardening.
My husband introduced me to gardening in 1981. I was ready to wean our 13-month old twins to baby food. He argued for a garden because we dont know whos bottling that! When I balked he said Sweetie Pie, gardening is like pastoring and parenting. All require daily attention to detail in the same posture of humility, head bowed, body bent. Folks who dont have time to garden probably dont have time to parent. I joined him in the garden and learned the secret works in discipleship, marriage, parenting, entrepreneurship, gardening, and of course homeschooling. It isnt easy but its also not complex. Homeschooling three sons to a state of holistic health required a challenging yet simple Morning by Morning approach. Id love to share our Why and How Homeschooling secrets with you.
Middle school is a time of transition. Physical and emotional changes are taking place at a rate that will make any parents head spin. She may WANT to be an adult and may THINK she is an adult (and may even LOOK like an adult!), but her actions and thought processes may show the childlike qualities that are still present. Beth will discuss the various academic options available to you as you maneuver through the Middle School Maze.
Help! My preteen thinks history is boring. I need help finding a homeschool history curriculum
Homeschooling parents often find themselves surprised and even scared when facing the increasingly intense middle
When my boy was little I learned he had a “quality time love language”. Naturally
I was pretty confident I could write a book, when we finished homeschooling elementary grades!
Many homeschool families make a drastic change when their children hit middle school or high
There is something about the middle of the school year that makes us all take
As our first year of middle school is wrapping up I have noticed many changes,
This year has been one where many days I look myself in the mirror and
My Homeschooler is in Middle School, Now What? If you have a child in middle
If you have a middle school child you probably can relate to one of my weeks.
I’m blessed to be part of a local homeschool support group in my community that’s
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